In another interesting turn of events...
NATO Seeks to Quell Cartoon Violence
This news caused a firestorm among several looney-toons characters, including Wile E. Coyote, who stated that this move by NATO would "...cause undue hardship on myself, along with scores of other cartoon characters, who have made violence a trademark of their craft."
Looney Toons spokesman, Elmer Fudd stated, "By taking the viowence out of cowtoons, we will be forced to wiv out on the stweet--or woose yet, be fowced to be Babwa Wawas impehsonatows."
Other Looney Toons Characters, including Yosemite Sam and the Tazmanian Devil, pledged to riot if NATO does not reverse its direction.
NATO spokesmen were unavailable for comment.
(Filed under fun stuff)