Sunday, April 22, 2007

Harry Reid: Time to Resign!

First this:

And then this:

Have we not had enough?

Mr. Reid need not only resign, but be tried for treason!

Here is a letter that I plan to send to our senators, Amy Klobuchar and Norm Coleman:
I am shocked and utterly disgusted with the recent pronouncements of Senator Harry Reid, Democrat, Nevada in regard to the war being lost, while we have troops deployed and in battle.

His behavior and his other statements clearly give aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.” (Constitution of the United States of America, Art. III, Sec. 3, Par. 1)

I DEMAND THAT YOU DO YOUR DUTY AS REQUIRED BY YOUR OATH OF OFFICE and file charges against Senator Reid for his traitorous behavior!

He and other members of his party, many of whom supported this war initially, now illegitimately fail to follow through on their commitments to our troops and our nation for the obvious purposes of personal and partisan political gain.

Have we done nothing good in Iraq? Have we no heroes there?

To hear Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi and other members of the Democrat majority tell it, we have had none. Not one word of praise or appreciation has come from them. In this alone, one finds the treason in their hearts and souls! We have had quite enough of this.

There are legitimate alternative ways to go about expressing one’s disagreement with this war, such as cutting off the funding for it. Senator knows of them and yet has deliberately chosen this route, as though the enemy is not listening, placing our brave fighting men and women in danger, including our son, as a result.

Senator Harry Reid has shown himself as a Despicable Traitor!

As one of our sworn representatives, you must conduct yourself accordingly!

This must-see video from Save the Soldiers brings it home. The soldier's impassioned pleas say it all.

The likes of Harry Reid, Jack Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, and yes, even Chuck Hagel are opportunistic cowards and traitors, and yes, I WILL QUESTION THEIR PATRIOTISM!

To our elected Republican officials, including President Bush, it's time to grow a spine and start calling some demented spades what they are. It is time once and for all to stand up for our fighting forces and their mission and quit playing politics with our soldier's lives! They are eating bullets for a cause they believe in. It's time to grow a spine and do some fighting for them for a change.

Enough. Is. Enough.

The Battle is on two fronts. The battle there, and the battle here.

Which side are you on?
