Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hypocrisy will take its toll.. on the Arab Street.

From Rocco DiPippo in The American Thinker:

Before the troop surge began, my friend Nabil's brother-in-law, a resident of Jordan, was shot in the head while he was visiting Baghdad for a week to help with Nabil's wedding plans. He was killed by a terrorist simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

A month prior to that event, Nabil and his parents fled their long-time home when they received a note, wrapped around a 9mm bullet, commanding them to leave their neighborhood in 24 hours or be killed. (Based on what had happened to some of those in Nabil's neighborhood who had ignored similar threats, he knew that he and his family had half that time to gather up a few possessions and leave, if they wanted to live.)

If the Democratic Party is successful in effecting a premature troop withdrawal from Iraq, Nabil and most of his family will likely be killed because of their religious affiliations and because Nabil has been employed by Americans. (You might want to know that Nabil is one of the most decent men I have ever known.)

Another friend, Ahmed, had a suicide bomb explode so close to him that his clothes were shredded and he lost his hearing for a time. After that had happened, his parents begged him to leave home. They told him that for his own safety, he should never return there, even for a visit. A few months later, Ahmed's girlfriend was placed on a death list for having been employed by an American company.

Ahmed is smart, funny and resourceful. He is young, and his vibrant girlfriend - soon to be his wife - will likely be killed, along with him, if the Democratic Party succeeds in affecting a premature troop withdrawal from Iraq.
Read the entire article. It plainly lays out what my son and his comrades are fighting for, and why so much would be at stake should the defeatists get their way.

Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Murtha and the rest of the moonbat defeat-at-any-cost coalition better look closely at the consequences of their policies. Iraq is nothing like Vietnam, except with respect to the antiwar left. Just as the antiwar left was successful in securing defeat for U.S. forces in the face of victory, leaving untold hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent Vietnamese and Cambodians dead in its wake, so will be the fate of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis, whose only crime would have been to desire the chance for freedom that the Americans and the MNF attempted to allow them to have. Not to mention the fact that Iraq would become a terrorist stronghold, whose oil revenues would serve to fund a terror spree in the Free World that would make 9/11 look like a cake walk.

Just as I personally lay the blood of U.S. soldiers killed at the feet of democrats who through their rhetoric give our enemies the moral courage to fight another day, the innocent blood of Iraqis that would be spilled after a premature pullout of U.S. forces must also be laid at the feet of the American appeasers.

It would be an interesting conversation, indeed, between the likes of Jack Murtha or Nancy Pelosi when it comes time to meet their maker.

It would suck to be them.
