Thursday, April 26, 2007

Still think Minnesotans don't pay enough in taxes?

Think again.

In fact, Minnesota's families are currently burdened with more state taxes than similar-sized families in 43 other states!

For instance, A typical family of four, living in North Dakota, pays over three thousand dollars less in taxes than a family of four in Minnesota; the same family living in South Dakota would save over $7,000! A family of four in friggen 'Sconny pays more than $3500 less in taxes. Heck, even in the liberal mecca of California, a family of four pays over a thousand dollars less in taxes than would a Minnesota family. Three of the seven states that do pay more in taxes than Minnesota get much of their revenues from coal and mineral taxes.

Again, keep in mind... these figures given reflect the current situation. These figures are before any of the currently proposed $5 billion dollars in DFL-led tax increases would take effect.

Minnesota is currently the 7th highest taxed state in the Union. And the Minnesota DFL majority is trying its damndest to make it #1.

So a question for those of you with a "Willing to Pay for a Better Minnesota" yard sign--just how is it that you expect to squeeze even more blood from Minnesota's families?

How much is enough?

Just wondering.