From Nancy Pigliosi's own mouth (and through her anus):
PELOSI: The biggest -- and so when we talk about conducting Congress in the highest -- to the highest ethical standard, with the most fiscal discipline, no new deficit spending and in the most civil way, we have to recognize that the biggest ethical challenge facing our country is the war in Iraq. (Cheers, applause.) Let's look at this not only in that opposition to the war, as I voted against it almost five years ago. (Cheers, applause.)Nice leadership there. You saw the intelligence, why didn't you convince the rest of your democrat colleagues who nearly unanimously voted for the war?!?
At the time I was the senior Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, senior Democrat. And therefore I was part of something called the Gang of Four: House, Democrat and Republican; Senate, Democrat and Republican. And we saw all of the intelligence, and I read it all.
And after I saw it, I said I'm voting against the war because the intelligence does not support the threat. (Applause.) There was nothing -- there was nothing -- in the intelligence that said that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States -- nothing. (Applause continues.)
So what their scare tactics -- as they were scare tactics -- that's why I say this is the most unethical -- how we sent our troops into war without the proper training, without the proper equipment, without a plan for success.
First of all, Nancy Pelosi preaching about ethics is a bit like Saddam preaching that we need to be nicer to the Kurds.
BTW--nice try in trying to re-define what operating in "the highest ethical standard" means.
You pig!
You have no friggen clue what "ethics" means, you absolute MORON!
You want to know what ethics is, scumbag? Try looking to our soldiers who are putting it all on the line for freedom--the freedom that you and the rest of your self-righteous, self-serving, self-centered , self-absorbed leftist lemmings take for granted, in trashing the mission that they're willing to eat bullets for.
You've got some nerve, bitch!