Oh boo-friggen hoo.

Muslim world inflamed by Rushdie
Sir Salman Rushdie celebrates his 60th birthday today in familiar circumstances: he is once again the subject of death threats across the Islamic world.
Eighteen years after the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling on Muslims to kill him, a government minister in Pakistan said yesterday that Rushdie’s recent knighthood justified suicide bombing.
The question of blasphemy in The Satanic Verses, Rushdie’s 1988 tale of a prophet misled by the devil, remains a deeply sensitive issue in much of the Muslim world and the author’s inclusion in the Queen’s Birthday Honours last week has inflamed anti-British sentiment.
So cry me a river, Muhammed.
Tell you what--when I see headlines that the "Muslim world" is inflamed by this, this or this, then we'll talk.
Meanwhile, save your "outrage" for someone who gives a damn.
I mean what I said here: your religion sucks.