Just getting in practice here...
The cloture vote to end debate on the comprehensive "Immigration reform" bill passed; debate has been stopped.
WASHINGTON — The Senate agreed to proceed with a controversial immigration reform bill Tuesday, just a few hours after President Bush pumped up the rhetoric on the fragile bipartisan compromise to overhaul the nation's immigration laws.
The Senate voted 64-35 on cloture — a key test designed to shut down a filibuster and bury a bad bill. Supporters needed 60 votes to continue working out the legislation.
Even President Bush himself said:
"You know, I've heard all the rhetoric—you've heard it, too—about how this is amnesty," Bush told advocates of his immigration overhaul. "Amnesty means that you've got to pay a price for having been here illegally, and this bill does that."Freudian slip, George?
Anyway, as a public service, and as a means of getting in step on the shape of things to come, I'll start translating each post I do in Spanish:
"El voto del cloture para terminar el discusión sobre "la cuenta comprensiva de la reforma de la inmigración" aprobada; se ha parado el discusión. Presidente uniforme Bush mismo dijo: "usted sabe, yo ha oído que todo el reto'rico-you've lo oyó, demasiado-sobre cómo ésta es amnistía," abogados dichos Bush de su reacondicionamiento de la inmigración. la "amnistía significa que usted tiene pagar un precio estar aquí ilegal, y esta cuenta hace eso." ¿Resbalón freudian, quizás? De todas formas, como servicio público, y como los medios de conseguir en paso en la forma de cosas venir, comenzaré a traducir cada poste que hago en español."
Gracias... err.. thank you.
Norm Coleman voted for cloture.
¡Vive el Norm!

Here's the roll call.