Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Yes, we are better than this...

Andy unceremoniously and unfairly got hung out to dry; and I, for one, am getting thoroughly pissed off at the powers that be in the MN GOP.

It seems that Andy got accused of leaking a memo that outlined some less-than-savory behavior on the part of GOP operatives. Andy claims (and I've no reason to believe otherwise) that although he did receive the memo, he's not the one who leaked it. Andy, however, was made into a scapegoat by someone who has nothing better to do than to cling on to the MN-GOP status-quo at all costs.

Desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures, especially given the lack of a scrupulous foundation. Such behavior is legion among the democrat party; who all but admit that they give morality mere lip service, if that. But I expect more from the GOP and their leadership. Yes, I expect scruples. I expect above board dealings, especially in dealing with each other.

A month and a half ago, if you'll remember, I received a cowardly un-signed letter trashing the character of Andy Aplikowski. Just this past weekend, history repeated itself, only vis-a-vis an-unsigned thrashing of Joe Repya, a contender for the MN GOP State Party Chair.

My every post on this blog is signed with my name. People know who wrote it. But these cowardly, pansy-assed tactics of writing hit pieces, and not even having the guts to sign one's name is beyond the pale, and certainly behavior not fitting a GOPer.

Given the situation we were dealt this past November, things went swimmingly for the Minnesota legislature this past session. We managed to block millions upon millions in additional taxes, along with an accompanying spending spree of gargantuan proportions. While I, myself, would not necessarily attribute our legislative success to Ron Carey's leadership, there are those who, based on our successes, would tend to want to give him a pass.

But are these underhanded tactics we've seen these past few months, against fellow Republicans, what we signed on for? Is this really the direction we want to travel in this party?

It's time we cleaned house, folks.

It's time we voted for Repya.