Friday, June 08, 2007

Top 10 jobs that abortionists could choose when Roe v. Wade is overturned

With the latest research that will once and for all rebuke the last vestige of propaganda that remains in the pro-abortion lobby's slimy repertoire (h/t Lady Logician), along with the likelihood that Roe v. Wade will eventually be overturned, there remains one more moral issue:

What will the abortionists do after being out of a job?

As a public service, I'd like to fill the void with some suggestions.

With apologies to Nihlist, who is the undisputed king of Top 11 lists, I hereby present my own

Top 10 List of occupational alternatives for ex-abortionists:

10. Step on unwanted baby chicks

9. Club baby seals.

8. Shake down kids for lunch money.

7. Mob assassin, specializing in offing kids.

6. Open a friendly neighborhood Josef Mengele Memorial Museum.

5. President of NOW.

4. Dr. Jack Kervorkian's personal bitch.

3. A songwriter.

2. Volunteer at a local animal shelter.

1. Rot in hell.