Thursday, March 06, 2008

MN Tax Bill Passes...

From Steve Gottwalt:
Dear Neighbor:

I'm getting back to you again today (Thursday) to report what happened with the Tax Bill.

After all Republicans and some DFLers voted against the earlier version, it went to the Senate where many measures were removed; they did keep most of the federal tax conformity provisions which will save Minnesotans millions of dollars. As it came back to us from the Senate, this bill represented real compromise, and fiscal moderation.

It wasn't everything we wanted but it is a good bill overall for Minnesotans, it accomplishes federal tax conformity. For this reason, I voted for concurrence on the Tax Bill, which passed the House on a 132 to 1 vote.

This shows how, by standing firm for changes we need and principles that are important, we can accomplish compromise and moderation in legislation. This is the first tax reducing legislation we've passed this session.

Several committees will be meeting into the night, including committees on which I serve addressing education and health care. Thanks for your continued interest.

Sincerely in service,

State Rep. Steve Gottwalt
House District 15A
Thanks for being there, Steve~!