Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stand by your manSuper Delegate, Parte Deux.

Well, as anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock knows by now, New York’s Democratic governor Eliot Spitzer finally got a taste of his own medicine. At first, I really wasn’t going to post on this, thinking that it’s New York’s problem with which to deal; but what I really found noteworthy in terms of national politics is the relative silence of a national candidate for POTUS, namely one Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Herself a longstanding party on the receiving end of marital infidelity, Hillary could have done herself and the women’s movement a lot of good by coming out full bore at the outset of this scandal by decrying Spitzer’s actions.

But once again, as was the case of her reactions (or lack thereof) to the multiple indiscretions perpetrated by her husband, Hillary remains silent. And for the same reason. Knowing full well that a divorce from Bill Clinton would be a divorce from her ever gaining the power she so desired; Hillary is no doubt likewise conflicted regarding the severing of ties to Eliot Spitzer.

For Spitzer, aside from being a scumbag, is also a democrat Super Delegate. Committed to voting for Hillary.

And truth be told, the Clintons, being the quintessential Machiavellians that they are, have never been ones to allow nefarious backgrounds to get in the way of their stated objectives.

So if the causes of feminism, and of women being treated as objects once again have to take a back seat to Hillary’s presidential aspirations, so be it.

The end, after all, justifies the means.