Monday, August 29, 2005

China's Brittney Spears?,,,

A poster on the forum Unto the Breach brought up an interesting line he heard on NPR:

"to the youth of China, their Britany Spears is Bill Gates"

"to the youth of America, their Britany Spears is Britany Spears"

With the manpower that China has, and the exponential growth it has been experiencing in its economy, I'm afraid it will soon be hitting (if not already there) superpower status.

A big question is, how long will China be able to "contain" capatalistic ventures within its communist government structure. The Soviet Union was certainly not able to pull it off indefinitely. I'm no economist by any stretch of the imagination, but my larger fear is that the Chinese are using "controlled" capitalistic policies to fuel a military machine that will soon will equal and probably relatively soon will overpower that of the United States.

China is an ancient civilization and has been around the block a lot more times than we have. They make no bones about stealing our technology, both military and domestic, and toward using that technology against us. With their communist philosophy, there is no moral underpinning to their tactics. The last time I checked, there was no Communist Chinese effort to "save the world", nor to go out of their way to perform any action to help other nations in need. Philanthropy and morals could not be described as ChiCom strong suits. They are indeed poised to be the next evil empire.

IMO, China is on a mission. To again become the world's pre-eminent superpower. They are now biding their time, but they will no doubt eventually attempt what Japan could not pull off: to strike the "sleeping giant" and to slay that giant in the process. Meanwhile, our culture is fiddling while Rome burns.

Be afraid of China. Be very afraid.