Thursday, August 25, 2005

DON'T MAKE ME BARF!! Fisking Miss Sheehan

I just saw a Cindy Sheehan spot, supposedly sponsored by these moonbats. Here is the text
"Mr. President. My name is Cindy Sheehan. On April 4, 2004, my son was killed in Iraq. He was only 24, and he died in his best friend's arms. Casey was so good and so honest, why can't you be honest with us?"
Ms. Sheehan--why can't YOU be honest with us. Why can't you admit that you yourself said that you really didn't want to speak with the President because if you did, the issue would be over. Why can't your party be honest with us in admitting they ignored the dangers posed by Al Qaeda. Why aren't you honest with us with your REAL AGENDA, and that if one followed a money trail they would see the agenda you have and the company you keep.

"You were wrong about the weapons of mass destruction. You were wrong about the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda. You LIED to us."
Well, if Bush lied, so did this guy and this moonbat and this reject from the Addams Family. They all said the same thing. And remember that yellowcake uranium story? British Intelligence still maintains its authenticity.
"and because of your lies my son died"
No, Ms. Moonbat. Your son died because he is a better person than you. Your son died because he believed in the cause of freedom, much unlike you. Your son died trying to protect his compatriots; your rhetoric continues to put them in harm's way.
"You said that he died for a noble cause. What cause?"
I direct you, Ms. Moonbat, to this post.
"Mr. President, I want to tell you face to face how much this hurts."
Ms. Moonbat, I want to tell you face to face how much your Axis Sally -type propaganda is hurting this country, emboldening the enemy, and killing more of our kids.
"I love our country. But how many more of our loved ones need to die in this senseless war?"
Your level of thinking, Ms. Moonbat, leads me to no other conclusion than you lack the intelligence to make sense out of much of anything
"How many more of our soldiers need to die before we say enough?"
How about when democracy is firmly established in a middle eastern country that has known only despotism?
"I know you can't bring Casey back, but it's time to admit mistakes and bring our troops home now."
Ms. Moonbat, it's time to admit your agenda, the fact that you're shamelessly abusing the sacrifices made by your son to advance your agenda, and to get the hell out of Crawford.

This post may seem out of character for me, and it probably is. But as the parent of a service man who will be in theatre by this coming March, I want to say, no, I want to shout that this MOONBAT does not speak for me, and I detest her showboating antics which do nothing but dance on the graves of our fallen, embolden the enemy and put our sons and daughters into further danger. For this I make no apologies. Cindy Sheehan--go piss up a rope.