Thursday, August 18, 2005

RINOs controlling the U.S.?

One thing I'll never understand is the stranglehold that the RINOs appear to have on the workings of our party, and in the struggle to push through the President's agenda. From It Shines for All:
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. has a good column in this morning's New York Sun on Jesse Helms's new book. If Helms were still in the Senate and still chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, it would be a lot harder for Kofi Annan to hold onto his job at the United Nations. Instead, the committee, with a few notable exceptions like Senator Coleman, has fallen into the hands of some of the most appeasement-oriented Republicans, including Senators Hagel and Chafee. Whether Helms or Senator Lugar is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is one of those Washington inside things that one might not expect to actually affect world events or register with most Americans, but that can make a big difference in how things turn out.
Seeing as how these RINOs definitely are in the minority of the Republican Senate delegation, and seeing how their views definitely are not reflective of the majority of rank-and-file Republicans, why is it that they hold such high rankings in power? For heaven's sake, even George Bush himself promoted the re-election of this RINO who had been and continues to largely be a burr in the saddle of his judicial nominations. I know that this cadre of RINOs continues to be the darlings of the MSM, but is that any reason to continue to allow them in positions of power whereby they can only serve to thwart the intended agenda of those who put their party in power? I'm still scratching my head over this.