Monday, August 08, 2005

Yet the never ending parade of idiots

TV reality show personality Judge Mathis joined the never ending parade of leftist kooks. This from WND:
A featured speaker at Saturday's civil rights march in Atlanta said the Bush administration and Republican Party leaders are "thieves" who "need to be locked up" for stealing the past two presidential elections and presiding over federal budget deficits and the war in Iraq.
"They all need to be locked up because they are all criminals and they are all thieves," said Judge Greg Mathis, the star of the syndicated television program "The Judge Mathis Show."

Mathis made his remarks to an enthusiastic crowd assembled in Atlanta to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Participants are launching a two-year campaign to extend and strengthen key aspects of the act when it expires in 2007.

"It is indeed criminal to steal an election and within two years run up a federal deficit of half-a-trillion dollars, send our young people over to Iraq to die for an unjust war. What they are doing is criminal," Mathis said to loud cheers.

The march was sponsored by the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and included leaders from the National Urban League, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the NAACP, and the AFL-CIO.
What is "criminal", IMO, is the perpetuation of rhetoric based on trite platitudes and downright falsehoods.

First of all, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would probably not exist without the majority support of Republicans with regard to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, who voted for the measure in greater percentages than did their fellow democrat legislators.

Second, when will this spurious liberal regurgitation of the concept of "stolen elections" end? They lost in 2000 and they still can't get over it? And then they have the cajones to call the 2004 election, which was decided by both an overwhelming vote majority as well as an electoral college majority stolen? When will they realize that their extreme leftist ideas have failed, and have now fallen on mostly deaf ears? When will they realize that in order to find the source of their woes, they need only look into the nearest mirror? As a republican, I would hope that the answer to those questions would be never. But as a human being, one almost pities them, and is compelled to ask the question from afar, as if yelling to a lost soul, "Don't you get it already?"

I don't know Judge Mathis--I never saw his program. But given his rhetoric and ideas, one can only be elated that the best he now could say is, "I'm not a judge anymore, but I play one on TV." We have enough real buffoons in black robes to deal with as it is.