Another adventure in the life of the left-winged moonbat...
From here:
CRAWFORD, Texas A dozen war protesters were arrested Wednesday for setting up camp near President Bush's ranch in defiance of new local bans on roadside camping and parking.Heh... likely excuse!About four hours after the group pitched six tents and huddled in sleeping bags and blankets, McLennan County sheriff's deputies arrested them for criminal trespassing.
Another dozen or so demonstrators left the public right of way after deputies warned them they would be arrested.
The protest was set to coincide with Bush's Thanksgiving ranch visit.
The arrests were made by more than two dozen deputies who calmly approached the demonstrators in their tents and asked if they wanted to walk out on their own or be carried. Two chose to be carried. They were to be taken to jail for booking.
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan wasn't among the protesters Wednesday because of a family emergency in California, but she planned to be at the camp later in the week.(emphases mine)
(on phone) "Hi... yes, this is mother moonbat... you what? Ohh.. you're in Crawford now..? That's nice. Uhh huh? Ohhh... where am I? Well.. you see, I kinda like had this... err.. family emergency... yeah... errr uhh...I was, err.. like in the middle of making this tofu turkey? Yeah... the ones that were, like, on sale at Mother Earth co-op.. and...uhh... it like, burned really bad and... uhhh.. we had smoke damage... and uh... I'm waiting for the insurance adjustor... No, no... don't wait on my go right ahead! We can't have my... err... our agenda sidetracked... What? The police are coming? Well... you just give 'em hell.. and I'll take the credit...errr.. I'll be with you in spirit? K? Well.. the insurance adjustor should be here any minute., like, I gotta kinda get going.. Oh... be a dear and tell that cute jailer at cellblock 8 I said hi, and tell her that I think she's like, really hot. Hugs n kisses, now! (click)