Friday, November 11, 2005

More fisking of Congressman Kennedy

Dear Mark...

What is with this? Why do you wear this like a badge of honor? Is it to pander to the small minority of enviro-whackos?

Mr. Kennedy, in case you haven't noticed, we are in the midst of an energy shortage right now. Prices have increased up to 150% for fuel within two short years. Independent truckers are being driven out of business. And you treat the defeating of an opportunity to secure a domestic resource of oil as an "accomplishment"? I know that I have heard you say that the ANWR reserves weren't really a big deal anyway. Right now, sir, with our dependence on countries in which many of their citizenry want us dead; not to mention that we are fighting two major wars on two different fronts; any domestic resource to which we have access is a big deal. Especially when that resource entails utilizing only one-eighth of one percent of a land mass of what would otherwise be considered tundra wasteland. Concern over "environmental damage" also flies in the face of the non-factor with regard to the environment and wild life which was the Alaska pipeline. Congressman Kennedy--please do not insult our intelligence and hail your part in nixing access to ANWR as some sort of accomplishment.

In my eyes, it was a black mark on an otherwise stellar political career.


Leo Pusateri

(Filed under RINOS, Energy Madness)