Friday, November 04, 2005

I'll be gone this weekend... my nephew's wedding in Illinois. Although I'll have my laptop, blogging will necessarily be light to nonexistent, depending on time and internet availability.

I again want to thank everyone who takes precious time from their busy days to read this blog--I appreciate each and every one of you!

I checked Radioblogger, and although it isn't yet a given, I'm sure that Jeff at Peace Like a River will be in the top five when voting opens this afternoon. I've checked out the competing posts, and his post beats them all hands down, so he definitely deserves to win on merit alone. Also, he is a MOB member, and we don't want those granola-munching sandal wearers in the SoCal bloggers getting their hands on the trophy, do we?

You can vote once a day, so vote early, vote often, and let's win one for Kouba!!

Hooah! (Filed under housekeeping, Fun with da MOB)