Don't you dare call us a spade!!
Curiously, nowhere in this press release do I see any outcry against the terrorism perpetrated by their Muslim brethren. Nothing decrying or distancing themselves from the beheaders or the suicide bombers, or the hostage takers, who perform these horrific works in the name of the "Religion of Peace." In fact, rather than taking ownership of the problem and addressing those who are committing these heinous acts, CAIR only asks that the President not call attention to the problem.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (Too bad many of their brethren are not)
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/30/2006) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today urged President Bush to avoid using “loaded and imprecise terminology” relating to Islam in Tuesday night’s State of the Union address.
In a letter to President Bush, CAIR Board Chairman Parvez Ahmed wrote:
“While you prepare for tomorrow’s State of the Union address, I would like to offer a suggestion that could serve to strengthen America's image and interests worldwide, particularly in the Islamic world.
“You have stated repeatedly that the war on terror is not a war on Islam. Unfortunately, the use of loaded and imprecise terminology by our nation’s representatives has often served to promote that negative perception.
“When you describe America’s efforts to fight terrorism and spread democracy worldwide in Tuesday’s address, I think it would be best to avoid the use of hot-button terms such as ‘Islamo-fascism,’ ‘militant jihadism,’ ‘Islamic radicalism,’ or ‘totalitarian Islamic empire.’
“As you said in the past, ‘this ideology is very different from the religion of Islam.’ However, I believe the repeated rhetorical linkage of Islam to terms of violence and extremism is counterproductive and complicates our legitimate foreign policy initiatives.
“American Muslims stand ready to serve as a bridge of understanding to the Islamic world. We can best fulfill that role by offering advice that can help prevent misperceptions and misunderstandings between different nations and cultures.”
It would appear that not only does the buck not stop with CAIR...
...according to them, the buck never got there in the first place.
(Filed under Religion of Peace?)