Monday, January 23, 2006

Regarding the anniversary... of the advent of our dark ages...

Yesterday marked the 33rd anniversary in one of the darkest moments of American History. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court wrote its infamous Roe v. Wade decision, marking for the first time in American History when it was, by judicial fiat, made acceptable by various levels of the U.S. government for a woman to be able to choose to end her own child's life. Since then, more than 45,000,000 of our nation's own children were wantonly executed in the name of convenience; rivaling and/or surpassing Hitler's, Stalin's and Pol Pot's wildest, most demented fantasies.

Far from a "mere collection of cells", the human fetus (Latin for "Little one"), is just that--human. Unlike a pile of wood, which can become anything from a guitar to a house; or a collection of bricks, which can become a fence or fireplace; the "collection of cells" that make up a baby in utero, if left to its natural progression, can become nothing other than more and more of what it already is--a human being. To say that life begins at any other time than when the sperm fertilizes the egg is nothing more than an egregious appeasement of what should be a tortured human conscience. I'm sure that Pol Pot had his reasons for denouncing the humanity of the millions killed under his regime; I'm sure that our slave-owning ancestors most likely thought of their charges as something less than fully human, in order to justify their forced servitude.

The entire history of man's inhumanity to man is replete with examples of the denial of the humanity of the subjugated to assuage the collective and individual consciences of their tormentors and killers.

So it is with abortion.

You can call "it" a fetus, if it makes you feel better. You can call "it" a choice; if it makes you feel better. You can call "it" a matter of privacy; if it makes you feel better. Euphamize the act and its victim to your heart's content... But to those who have ever contemplated having an abortion; to those who have had abortions; to those who have performed abortions--try calling it a baby; a human being; and see how easy or morally correct it is to perform the deed.

(Filed under Defense of life)