Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The state of the NAACP

The NAACP, a supposedly non-partisan, non-political, tax-exempt organization, should have some 'splainin' to do to the IRS. According to WND
Civil rights activist and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond delivered a blistering partisan speech at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina last night, equating the Republican Party with the Nazi Party and characterizing Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her predecessor, Colin Powell, as tokens.

"The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side," he charged.

Calling President Bush a liar, Bond told the audience at the historically black institution that this White House's lies are more serious than the lies of his predecessor's because Clinton's lies didn't kill people.

"We now find ourselves refighting old battles we thought we had already won," he said. "We have to fight discrimination whenever it raises its ugly head."

He referred to former Attorney General John Ashcroft as J. Edgar Ashcroft. He compared Bush's judicial nominees to the Taliban.

The talk so infuriated at least one black family in attendance among the 900 in the auditorium that they got up and walked out in protest.

This is nothing new in the world of Julian Bond...Nashville News recalls at least three other occasions in which similar inflammatory political rhetoric is espoused. I heard the actual audio of the speech on the Laura Ingraham show, in which Bond not only stated the above, but went on calling the kettle black, saying that Republicans are the ones who continually play the race card for political advantage.

If Julian Bond is indeed speaking as an agent of the NAACP, and in a capacity as the president of that organization, the IRS then has a duty to revoke its tax exempt status for contributions made to it. I have no difficulty with Julian Bond or any other moonbat exercising their misguided and disjointed free political speech, no matter how intellectually and morally bankrupt it may be. But to spout such rhetoric under the cover of what is claimed to be a non-partisan, tax-exempt, non-political organization is downright criminal. If they want to jump into the political arena, fine. But then expect to get treated just like any other organization that does so.

(Filed under moonbat adventures, the fifth column)