Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Resistance is Futile...you will be assimilated.

It seems that the ever-present and omniscient ACLU, the champions of free speech, have no qualms regarding quashing people's freedoms to view or not view what they wish. A story in the World Net Daily related the following:

Ten months ago, the district settled a lawsuit with the ACLU over the right of a student group, the Gay-Straight Alliance, to meet on campus. The year-long litigation strained relations in the conservative northeast portion of the state. In addition to allowing the group to meet on campus after school, district officials agreed that all students, staff and teachers would be required to receive "tolerance training."

The agreement stipulated all would attend "mandatory anti-harassment workshops," including the viewing of an hour-long "training" video covering sexual orientation and gender identity issues for middle and high school students.

But ten months on, one-third of Boyd County students have failed to see the video, and that has the ACLU threatening court action.

The problem with the ACLU's browbeating is the following:

District figures show 105 of 730 middle school students opted out of the training video and 145 of 971 high school students did likewise. On the day scheduled for training, 324 students didn't show up for school.

But the decree issued by the Courts stated that there would be no "opt out" feature.

One of our basic freedoms, our freedom of religion, also allows us freedom of conscience, part and parcel of the living of one's religion. If one's conscience dictates that the practice of homosexuality is wrong, then one should not be forced to have his or her children view materials or be subjected to a process of indoctrination that preaches otherwise.

This instance is clearly demonstrative of the ACLU's selective "defense of liberties." This story is also demonstrative of the fact that Civil Liberties is at best secondary to their actual agenda. As evident by their long history of actions and inactions, the ACLU's primary objective is not to protect liberties, but to push the liberal agenda under the guise of protecting civil liberties. The ACLU cares nothing of those whose liberty of conscience is clearly being violated in this case. Their clear agenda is to ram their doctrine down the throats of the unwilling, while stating, "Resistance is futile--you will be assimilated.

It appears that students who express anti-gay sentiments in Boyd County, Kentucky are now being told to keep quiet. The Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund filed a suit(PDF File) March 28, alleging the free speech rights of the Boyd County School District's students are being violated.

A clear violation of freedom of speech. So where, oh where is the ACLU? Is what's good for the goose good for the goosesteppers?