Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Secular Taliban makes it to the Supreme Court...

Members of the Secular Taliban under the moniker of the ACLU have made their case to the Supreme Court in an effort to erase our legal and religious heritage from the public landscape. Perhaps the venerable Supreme Court Justice Kennedy will simply munch on a croissant, and overlook our petty history and heritage and instead look to the enlightened Europeans for guidance on this issue. One thing is for sure, after the mockery of American jurisprudence they have just displayed, I wouldn't trust them to run a lemonade stand, much less exercise the integrity needed to make such a momentous decision.

***UPDATE: on the official Ice Palace Forum, one of the liberals on the board stated in response to:

in an effort to erase our legal and religious heritage from the public landscape

"What a blatantly loaded phrase! It certainly stirs emotions even if it is factually questionable. I guess I would appreciate some evidence that their [the ACLU's] stated intent is to erase our legal and religious heritage from the public landscape. Again, not opinion, real evidence from their relatively recent statements. Otherwise we will simply have to chalk the statement up to one man's (and probably some others') biased opinion."

To which my response was:

(name), if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. If they're trying to erase the Ten Commandments from public buildings, they're trying to erase a part of our social and legal heritage, pure and simple. There's a copy of the Ten Commandments and a statue of Moses on the Supreme Court Building, for Pete's sake!!

In Afghanistan: before after

In the U.S.: before after

Liberal's brain for not seeing the similarities:

Any Questions?!?!


P.S. The Big Trunk has a "must-read" take on this subject today...