To Congressman Moran:... duhhhhh!!!
To that, the Ice Palace politely says, "DUHHHHHHH!!!"
Has the honorable Congressman Moran, a member of the party that has for the first time in history effectively and extra-constitutionally required a supermajority in order to approve judicial appointments, ever heard of tyranny of the bench?
The judicial branch is out of control. They are the one branch of government that is not elected and/or otherwise held accountable to the electorate. They have, in the past 30 years seen things in the Constitution that weren't there and have ignored things in the Constitution that are there. The bench has been a principal party to the deaths of at least 40,000,000 would-be American citizens. Even those on the highest court of the land have begun using foreign law to decide what is best for Americans (so much for governing by consent of the governed). The activist judiciary have become the unelected, unaccountable modern-day tyrants. And the electorate is not supposed to have recourse against this?
In the past 40 years, the left has relied on the judiciary to impose its agenda, since there is no way the majority of the electorate would otherwise consent to be governed under said principles. The judiciary is their savior. To have a judiciary in some way accountable to the electorate, or to have a check on judicial power, would drive a stake into the very heart of their being.
There is a sizeable piece of this nation that has finally had enough of judicial tyranny, and the time is ripe for politicians who will run on a platform of reining in judicial power. To those who are used to the days when judicial power can run roughshod over the will of the people and were used to having their leftist agenda imposed carte blanche, I would submit that those days are now being numbered. Something's gotta give, and eventually, it will.