Thursday, December 01, 2005

In another non-biased move by the Strib...

There was an auspicious event in the St. Cloud area yesterday--Lech Walesa was in the area and spoke at St. John's University yesterday evening. A Star Diaper reporter was on hand. So what does the STRIB reporter ask of this 20th century giant, who along with Pope John-Paul II, Maggie Thatcher, and Ronaldus Magnus was instrumental in toppling the dominos that led to the fall of the "Evil Empire"? Was it about his part in the downfall of communism? Or about what it was like to stare in the face of tyrrany? No, no, dear readers-- the STRIB reporter, in his wisdom, asked Walesa the following poignant question and follow-up:
STRIB REPORTER (paraphrasing): "Do you think that there's any truth to the secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe?"

WALESA: (via interpreter) No, there is absolutely no truth to that.

STRIB REPORTER: "But what if it were true?"

WALESA: (via interpreter, paraphrasing) "Well, if it were true, I guess it would hurt the credibility of the United States in the European and world community."

Leave it to the STRIB to look for the "bash Bush" angle in any story.

I think that even the STRIB reporter probably saw the foolishness of those questions, since it is not reported here. But I'll bet you all the sausage in Poland that if Mr. Walesa was any less adamant in his response to that inane question, the story would have made the front page.

(Filed under The Fifth Column)