Yet more horrible news... (for democrats)
The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy produced a net gain of 215,000 jobs last month. The latest figures show the biggest jump since July despite the unemployment rate holding steady at five percent.The dems, who pretty much ran on a "chicken little" platform in 2004, predicting economic armageddon should a Bush re-election occur, must have their spin machines going on full throttle with this news. Especially in the aftermath of two of the most devastating hurricanes in terms of property damage that we have suffered in decades. And the lowly dems probably took this statement as yet another stake in their collective hearts:
"When you think about the news that's come in, the jobs report, the recent report on strong economic growth, low inflation, strong productivity, lower gasoline prices, a strong housing market, increases in consumer confidence and business investment. Our economic horizon is as bright as its been in a long time," he added.Well, when the economic cycle does finally turn south (as it always does), then I supposed the dems can "come to the rescue". But at this rate, they will have a long, dreadful wait before that occurs.
Sucks to be them.
(Filed under The Economy)