Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The flip-flop queen?....

Ladies and gentlemen, not to take away any thunder from the flip-flop king, but have we now found the flip-flop queen?

"I wanna run for congress... err... I can't win Congress... not enough moonbats to vote for me..."
"I can't--I won't run for Congress..."
"Hey--I know--the Senate, yeah! I'll run for U.S. Senate!!"
"Naaaahh... I won't win the endorsing convention against Klobuchar...Shucks!"
"Hey, I know, I'll run for congress--again!"

Interesting--as of the time of this posting, when you visit Wetterling's website, you get the following message...
Site under construction - Check back soon!
What will be Patty's next decision? I wait with bated breath. Kinda.

(Filed under moonbat adventures, elections)