as we wave a hearty "good bye" to the First Amendment..
I can't begin to express my disappointment at President Bush signing the McCain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Act. As I expressed in this letter, this legislation is in absolute polar opposition to the intent of the First Amendment of free political speech, yet
179 Republicans and 46 Democrats voted in favor of the Act with 38 Republicans and 143 Democrats voting against.Do we actually have that many representatives who have absolutely no clue as to the meaning or intent of the Bill of Rights? Under this insidious legislation, I can theoretically be shut down for linking to a politician's site, or even expressing political opinions (since such links are considered to be worth money to said politicians), even though I make absolutely no money from my hobby.
In other words, 182 members of Congress voted against the Constitution they took an oath to defend.
Well, now that the First Amendment is effectively toast, in what position does that leave Amendments two through 10? Are they, too, now up for revision in the name of political expediency? I am now waiting for the "Secret Thought Police" to raid my home for too much blogging. Can't be very far down the road.
I suppose now would be as good a time as any to start blogging about other pursuits.