Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
...on perpetuating lies...
John Murtha on Hillary Clinton:
"I think the senator from New York is slowly coming around. I believe the senator from New York has begun to see the light I hope. She called me... and I said, 'You can take the lead in this anti-war, this particular war fight.' And she declined. I don't understand what her reasoning is..."Translation: "If I keep on spreading lies about Iraq and Haditha, Hillary will become as big a liar and seditionist as I am"
Yes, Mr. Murtha--I mean Lies with a capital "L".
Like in this interview that took place yesterday (August 29, 2006):
That's a bald-faced lie, John MurthaAMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about Haditha and what happened there? You were the first congressman to talk about it.
REP. JOHN MURTHA: Yeah, I support the military 100%, unless they make a tragic mistake like that, which hurts the rest of the troops and hurts our nation.
AMY GOODMAN: And what do you know at this point of what happened there?
REP. JOHN MURTHA: Well, I know that the NCIS, which is the Naval justice system, endorsed what I said. They said that these were --people were killed unnecessarily, and so I’m looking forward to that thing being resolved. It should have been resolved much faster. If I hadn’t spoken out, it wouldn’t even have been investigated.
DOD officials tell TIME that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently set up a Pentagon task force, which meets once a week, to track Haditha and prepare for the eventual release of the investigations’ results. But a Pentagon source familiar with the criminal investigation says that contrary to the suggestions of some media reports Wednesday, there have been no conclusions that the Marines deliberately killed unarmed civilians. This source also says that the bodies of those killed at Haditha have not been exhumed, which makes proving murder ‘very challenging.’As a matter of fact, the Jawa Report notes that one of the Marines that Baghdad Murtha slandered, John Wueterich, is actually up for a commendation:
The Jawa Report concludes:From the Washington Post:
Lt. William T. Kallop wrote in a praise-filled memo that the incident on Nov. 19, 2005, was part of a complex insurgent ambush that included a powerful roadside bomb followed by a high volume of automatic-weapons fire from several houses in the neighborhood. He lauded Sgt. Frank Wuterich for his leadership in the "counterattack" on three houses while the unit received sporadic enemy fire.The proposed citation indicates that Kallop -- the only Marine officer at the scene as the incident unfolded -- believed the unit was under a coordinated insurgent attack when Marines stormed civilian homes and opened fire, killing women and children. Whether Marines felt threatened and believed the homes to be hostile is a central element of their defense against potential criminal charges.
Kallop's memo would seem to be an odd way of trying to sweep the incident under the rug.Indeed. But let not the possibility of innocence of Marines in Haditha creep in the way of Jack Murtha's political ambitions, shall we?
After all, John Murtha's actions and verbiage leave no doubt in one's mind as to their expendability.
Truth, be damned.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 4:28 PM |
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
And not a moment too soon...
And in other developments, the South Koreans are on course to take over their own defense...BMD Watch: U.S. speeds up THAAD deployment
UPI Senior News AnalystWASHINGTON, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- The U.S. Missile Defense Agency is speeding up the testing and fielding of its Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system to get it into service two years ahead of schedule.
Under the MDA's previous THAAD schedule, the missile defense capability would be deployable worldwide in fiscal year 2012, Army Col. Charles Driessnack, MDA's project manager told reporters in Huntsville, Ala. Aug. 16 at the Army's annual Space and Missile Defense conference, News Stand reported Aug. 24.
However, when combatant commanders began "screaming" that they wanted to get the capability to the field as quickly as possible, the agency formulated a plan to run testing activities concurrently, to shave two years off the program -- placing the system in the field at the end of FY-09 or in early FY-10, Driessnack said.
As previously planned, the agency will purchase two THAAD fire units -- the first to be delivered in FY-09 and the second coming the following fiscal year -- while developmental activities are ongoing, News Stand said.
Driessnack said buying this equipment early will give soldiers time to train on the system in preparation for the limited user test.
By running the testing and training activities in parallel, MDA officials have been able to cut two years from the testing program and more than $100 million, he added.
THAAD is a ground-based system designed to protect forward-deployed troops and population centers from short-range, medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles. It uses a hit-to-kill, kinetic-energy warhead to intercept missiles during their final phase of flight, either outside the atmosphere or very high up in the atmosphere, the report said.(read the rest)
U.S. President George W. Bush and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun will meet in Washington on Sept. 14.Rather than the "re-deployment" plan (Okinawa, anyone?) advocated by John Murtha, where troops will be taken from where they are needed to where they aren't, this plan actually calls for redeployment from where they aren't needed to where they are.
A South Korean government official speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Seoul newspaper Chosun Ilbo that Bush and Roh would subsequently issue a joint statement including an agreement on South Korea eventually exercising sole wartime control of its troops.
Chosun Ilbo reported Aug. 25 that the two presidents would also take the opportunity to comment on the "continuing strength" of the South Korea-U.S. alliance.
Another South Korean government official, speaking anonymously, told the newspaper that since Bush had agreed to the idea of ceding wartime military control, "there is a strong possibility that the two will confirm the principles" for the handover ahead of the Security Consultative Meeting that will produce a "road map" in Washington the following month.
Under the terms of the agreement the South Korean government will gain autonomy, while the Bush administration will be able to continue its global troop realignment, "strategic flexibility" allowing troops currently deployed in South Korea to be shifted elsewhere.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 5:59 PM |
Time to get ahead of the telemarketers...
Attention Everyone!!! Cell Phone numbers are going Public...
You will be charged for these calls!!
These telemarketers will eat up your free minutes and end up costing you money in the long run.
To prevent this, call the following number from your Cell phone:
It is a National do not call list. It will only take a minute of your time. It will block your number for 5 years.
You can also have your number blocked by registering at
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 2:05 PM |
Monday, August 28, 2006
Hezbollywood...and their liberal media dupes...

In the recent hostilities between Lebanon and Israel, nothing played more of a part in the prosecution of the conflict than did the propaganda machine put forth by Hezbollah.
Between staged dead baby photos to staging scenes of injured people, the Hezbos waged a successful war of propaganda that helped turn the tide of the war against Israel, and allowed them precious extra time which to re-arm and to fight another day.
But make no mistake. The Hezbo's propaganda campaign was not staged unilaterally. From bad photoshops to blatant amateur hollywood staging, the Hezbos needed to bank on the help of the useful anti-semitic idiots in the western media in order for their efforts to gain any traction. They banked well. Take this expose by Zombietime which thoroughly chronicled an alleged Israeli attack on a Lebanese ambulance, which was lapped up by the leftist British media like a crack whore accepting a five-spot for a roll. This story, of course, was proof to the anti-semites in the media that Israel was capable of committing war crimes. This faux story was utilized quite successfully in turning world opinion against Israel and calling for the ceasefire now in place.
The problem is, that "story," presented as fact, could have just as well have been written by the Brothers Grimm.
Question: After their being duped, willingly or otherwise, by amateur photoshopphers and amateur Hezbollywood stagers on multiple occasions; in what manner, shape or form are we, the intended consumers of the MSM's bilge, able to trust that what they are reporting is actually the truth?
The era of a "credible" media, if it ever did exist, is certainly dead.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 11:07 AM |
Saturday, August 26, 2006
...And a fun time was had by all...
Along with Three Weddings and a Funeral coming in third place, sort of (Hewitt's team and Dave Strom's team were tied for second), I had the chance to consort with some great blogging friends, and a chance to meet der Kommisar himself. I was also shamelessly able to promote my current blogging passion (Murtha Must Go!!) to Hugh, and persuaded him to take a look-see. He's still not convinced that we can help pull off a Murtha defeat, but I think I may be able to persuade him otherwise.
This morning, I was able to do something I thought I'd never be able to do again after my hip replacement--play golf! John the Night Writer, John the Policy Guy and myself took to the links, and, thanks to John's encouragement, I was able to pull off a 59--yeah, it was for only 9 holes, but it's a lot better than I thought I'd do.
A big thanks to John Stewart and his lovely bride and daughters for their hospitality!
And a big thanks to Hugh Hewitt for supporting Soldiers Angels last night!
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 6:18 PM |
Friday, August 25, 2006
Off to do battle with the Hugh-ster...

This gala affair (to benefit Soldiers Angels) will pit Minnesota's finest trivia teams with Hugh Hewitt's all-star trivia team (to be named later).
This will be held tomorrow night at Keegan's in Minneapolis at 9pm (enough time for Hewitt to get to Keegan's after his show).
I'll be knocking heads with none other than my good friends Jeff Kouba (Peace Like a River, Bachmann vs. Wetterling, Security Watchtower), John Stewart (The Night Writer) and Uncle Ben Worley (Hammerswing 75) as the Beaver.
So head on down to Keegan's tomorrow night, for an evening of fun, brain splitting trivia; and, if you're not careful, I just may regale you with stories about Uncle Ben's errant cockatiels!
Chad the Elder, when figuring out the odds, says of our team (3 weddings and a funeral):
5. Three Weddings and a Funeral 8-1: A group of local right-wing bloggers who prove that while nice guys don't always finish last, they usually don't win either.The gauntlet has been thrown... the die has been cast... the Guiness has been spilled on the floor...
This means war!
Lawn mowed? Check.
Laundry done? Check.
Shower taken? Check.
Check Twins batting averages? Check.
Full tank of gas? Check
Cigars? Check.
Let's roll!!!
Technorati: Soldier's Angels, Hugh Hewitt, Keegan's
(Filed under Great Blogs, Fun Stuff With Da MOB)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 5:25 PM |
Regarding "reality" checks...
Hey Kessler--another "reality check"--Reality Check: Cost Of Bush's Minnesota Visit
(WCCO) Many people are wondering about the cost of President Bush's visit to Minnesota this week.![]()
Pat Kessler
His stop in the Twin Cities was part health policy and part campaign politics and nothing is easy or cheap when a president travels.
Taxpayers picked up most of the tab for Bush's Minnesota trip on Tuesday, even though it included campaign fundraising.
Here's what you NEED TO KNOW.
Republican Congressional candidate Michele Bachmann's campaign paid $40,000 to bring Bush to Minnesota. That is nowhere near the total cost of the trip.
A prolific fund-raiser, Bush generated more than $500,000 for Bachmann, but he also set aside 50 minutes for a public forum on healthcare and there is a reason for that, so THAT'S NOT THE WHOLE STORY here.
By coupling a policy event with a campaign fund-raiser, the
White House -- under any president of any party -- can reduce the amount of money political candidates must pay to bring the fund-raiser-in-chief to town.
No matter where the president goes, taxpayers pick up the tab for Air Force One, which costs about $57,000 an hour. The total cost for Air Force One for Bush's latest trip to Minnesota: $228,000.
What about the "reality" that you wouldn't have given this a second thought during one of then-President Clinton's visits while stumping here during the 1990s. Or even of the taxpayers' cost of his secret service detail when he makes speeches overseas, many of them criticial of U.S. policies.
How's that for a "reality check," Mr. Kessler?
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 5:23 PM |
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The problem is, I believe that many in the dinosaur media, (and many democrats, for that matter) still find it hard to believe that our nation was attacked on September 11th...
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 3:20 PM |
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Happy Blogiversary--to a fine young man!
Visit his blog. Often.
And you will know that our future is in good hands.
(Filed under Great Blogs)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:51 PM |
These kind of hits, I can do without...
If any member of law enforcement out there wants to take down IP addresses, I'm game.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 3:46 PM |
Nothing new here...
New 'Survivor' divides groups by raceI actually heard wind of this story on Rush today, who questioned the premise on the show given today's climate, saying that we weren't supposed to pay attention to the color of one's skin.LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Get ready for a segregated "Survivor." Race will matter on the upcoming season of the CBS show as contestants will be divided into four tribes by ethnicity. That means blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians in separate groups.
The announcement was made on CBS' Early Show. Host Jeff Probst says the idea "actually came from the criticism that 'Survivor' was not ethnically diverse enough."
Au contraire... I'd say that the premise of this new season Survivor will be a perfect microcosm of the same mindset that forces us to pay attention to the color of one's skin via the odious practices and philosophies embodied by affirmative action, multiculturalism, and other class division tactics put forth by liberals.
Look for minority groups, NAACP and other liberals to be "outraged" by the "segregationist nature" of the show.
But at the same time, those who live in glass houses ought not throw stones.
A parting question: Has multiculturalism, the focus on race, brought our society back full circle to the Jim Crow days?
Technorati: Survivor, multiculturalism
(Filed under limousine liberals, multiculturalism)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 1:39 PM |
Shakedown Cruise?

It looks as though Tom Cruise's behavior is even weirding out Hollywood itself:
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Paramount Pictures and actor Tom Cruise called an end to their 14-year production deal on Wednesday as the chairman of the studio's parent company took a parting shot at the movie star's off-screen behavior.The only thing that maligns Cruise is his his own erratic behavior."As much as we like him personally, we thought it was wrong to renew his deal," Viacom Inc. Chairman Sumner Redstone told the Wall Street Journal in an interview posted online. "His recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount."
Paula Wagner, the actor's longtime partner in his movie company, Cruise/Wagner Productions, struck back at Redstone, calling his comments about the three-time Oscar nominee "offensive" and "undignified."
"Whatever remarks Mr. Redstone would make about Tom Cruise personally or as an actor have no bearing on what this business issue is," she told Reuters. "There must be another agenda that the studio has in mind to take one of their greatest assets and malign him this way."
Even so, this episode still begs a question. Hollywood, as of the past couple of decades, is famous for its fruitcakes, and for its never-ending quest to define deviancy as normal. Why Redstone's sudden "come to Jesus" epiphany regarding the behavior of one of his marquee actors?
While I agree with Redstone's assertions, at this point I'm not ready to buy the notion that Hollywood has suddenly gained a conscience.
Technorati: Tom Cruise, Hollywood
(Filed under limousine liberals, moonbat adventures)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 11:13 AM |
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Some reflections regarding today...
It appears that nothing earth shattering happened today. I am happy that my worst fears were not realized, and I am happy to be called wrong in this instance.
Now realize, that I'm not one prone to believing chicken little stories. When the enviro-whackos predicted increasingly catastrophic hurricane seasons brought about by man-made global warming, I not-so politely said, "Bunk!".
When doomsayers since time immemoriam predicted untold catastrophes signaling the end of the world, I always thought of the Biblical admonition of "No one knows the day or time...except my Father in Heaven," and paid their predictions little heed.
But this August 22nd was different. For the first time in my lifetime of 46 years, a doomsday scenario seemed altogether plausible.... not brought about by a deity, or by man-made global warming, but by an Iranian madman who by all accounts seems to believe that he is an Islamic prophet. Given the bloodthirstiness of the Islamic fundamentalist mindset, again, to me, this was an altogether plausible scenario.
Again, I am happy that I was wrong to think that an armageddon-like scenario would happen this day. However, I am not discounting the fact that it will one day, indeed occur.
This anticipated day of reckoning, in my estimation, has merely been put off, not postponed indefinitely. The day will certainly come when the western world will have to confront Islamic fascism, or face annihilation. The more we cowtow to the likes of Ahmadinejad... the more we deny the reality of the enemy we face, the more a certainty that this ultimate showdown will indeed materialize; and the more certain it will be that we will be able to do little about it when it does.
(Filed under Religion of Peace?, War on Terror)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 11:33 PM |
A letter from Mark Kennedy...
Dear Kennedy Supporter,
Tomorrow, August 23, is the last day before the end of a critical reporting period. Both campaigns will release their fundraising numbers to the public. By donating right now, you can help me stay ahead of Amy Klobuchar and her extremely liberal friends.
In fact, the liberal leaders of Washington DC are doing everything they can to funnel money into Amy Klobuchar’s campaign…..
· Hillary Clinton hosted a fundraiser for Amy in New York City and gave her a $10,000 contribution from her leadership PAC.
· Barbara Boxer is raising money for Amy on her website and also wrote a $10,000 check from her leadership PAC.
· Harry Reid made a $10,000 contribution from his leadership PAC.
· John Kerry mailed a nationwide fundraising email for Amy.
· John Edwards visited Minnesota for Amy just last week.
And to top it all off, Bill Clinton is coming to town in September to raise money for Amy and the DFL. They are clearly pulling out all the stops.
I’m sending you this email today to personally ask for your help in the next twenty-four hours and during the next two months as I battle to win this crucial campaign and keep the Senate in Republican hands.
I need to know as soon as possible if I can count on your help once more.
Make no mistake, the liberals are holding absolutely nothing back in their effort to defeat me and take control of the Senate. My opponent in this campaign, Amy Klobuchar, is receiving massive funding from just about every liberal special interest group in the country:
· Big Labor has already funneled Amy Klobuchar’s campaign more than $85,000.
· Her fellow lawyers have kicked in a whopping $289,000.
· And the extremist pro-abortion group “EMILY’s List” has already sent nearly $500,000!
Just recently, Senator Chuck Schumer and the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), placed $2 million worth of TV time against me for the month of October.
So today I need your help to counter the influence of all the liberals working against me. They know this race will come down to the wire.
My friend, with so much on the line, I really hope I can count on you once again in the next 24 hours of this crucial election!
With just two months to go, will you show your support for my campaign by making a secure online contribution within the next 24 hours, whether it’s $25 or $2100.
To win this race, we also need a lot of manpower. Volunteers are the foundation of my campaign. If you can find a few hours in the next few weeks, I could sure use your help. To learn more about volunteer opportunities please click here.
Whatever you can contribute, your time or money, please know that you have my deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks for your generosity. We will win this race in November.
Mark Kennedy
P.S. I just returned from a 13-city tour of Minnesota where I unveiled my plan to bring the Right Kind of Change to Washington. Real change requires real work and a real plan. Visit my website to see my thoughts on bringing solutions to the Senate, not just complaints.
Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations and foreign nationals are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employers for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 11:30 PM |
Just who doesn't get what?
In a stunt of unbeliveable arrogance, Jack Murtha today claims that Bush "doesn't get it" when it comes to Iraq!
I'm sorry, but the arrogance of this vile pig never ceases to amaze me!Contact: Ed Mitchell of Murtha for Congress, 570-826-6115 or
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Aug. 22 /U.S. Newswire/ -- President George W. Bush "just doesn't get it" when it comes to the war in Iraq, according to U.S. Rep. John P. Murtha, (D-Pa.).
"The President's attacks against Democratic Party critics of the war at his news conference Monday fail to recognize the reality of the catastrophe that is occurring daily in Iraq because of the war," he said.
"Last month was the bloodiest month of the war with almost 3,500 Iraqi civilians and dozens of American soldiers being massacred. The President's stubborn decision to stay the course and insist that American troops will not be brought home while he is president ignores the suffering and damage that is going on there.
As I have said time and time again, during a time of war, our enemies have not known this level of aid and comfort from an elected official--ever!"Even our own military leaders and leading elected officials in the Republican Party are now calling the conflict a civil war. Sixty percent of the America people say they want an end to this war sooner rather than later. But President Bush seems out of touch with all this.
"Instead of deterring terrorism, our policies are fostering it. America is not safer because of the Iraqi war.
Does Jack Murtha for one second think that the violence will stop when we leave? Does Jack Murtha for one second really think that our soldiers being there is the cause for the violence (Judging by what he just said, that is a safe assumption). Does Jack Murtha for one second really think that if we cut and run, the majority of Iraqis who want freedom and the small minority of Islamofascists who want to live under Sharia Law will suddenly hug each other and live in an era of blissful peace?
Does Jack Murtha for one second really think that Iraq will not become a safe haven for terrorists to base their operations if we cut and run before the job of containing them is done?
The Islamo-fascists that our soldiers and the Iraqi troops are fighting in Iraq are in the fight for their lives right now, and they know it.
But all the Islamo-fascists need to fight on is the knowledge that there are useful idiots like Jack Murtha around to pull for them; knowing that if they hang on just a little longer, kill a little more, they will be able to "wait out" American resolve and Iraq will be theirs for the taking.
President Bush knows this and gets it.
It's too bad for our troops, and too bad for the Iraqis that the seditious Jack P. Murtha doesn't.
Technorati tags: Murtha, Bush, Iraq, War.
(Filed under Murtha Must Go!!, the fifth column)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 3:39 PM |
The Big Lie of stem cell research...
But of course, those deeply entrenched in the culture of death will fight for it tooth and nail like a hell-hound bent at getting the last maggot-infested scrap of roadkill from satan's backyard barbeque. Take Mike Hatch, for example:
First of all, that's $100 million in TAXPAYER money, not "state" money, Mr. Hatch.Hatch presses Pawlenty on stem cell research
ELECTION 2006: As in Wisconsin's gubernatorial race, the DFL-endorsed candidate for Minnesota governor focuses on difficult question for GOP.
ST. PAUL - Funding for embryonic stem cell research -- a splintering issue among Republicans -- is playing an increasingly prominent role in the gubernatorial campaign of DFL candidate Mike Hatch.
In renewing a call to put $100 million in state money toward the budding research, Hatch and his allies worked Monday to portray Gov. Tim Pawlenty as indecisive on an issue where medical promise and moral concerns intersect.
"He has dodged and avoided this issue," Attorney General Hatch said of the Republican governor. "He keeps claiming this is a federal issue. It's not a federal issue. It's a state issue. We can advance here."
On a moral level, Hatch just doesn't understand, or is willfully ignorant.
There are a whole lot of citizens in Minnesota who believe (correctly) that a human life begins at conception. But Mike Hatch is willing to use many millions of those taxpayers' dollars to contribute to performing Frankenstein-like research, that culimates in termination of the lives of what those taxpayers consider to be human beings!
Confiscating money from a person who believes that life begins at conception, to destroy what they believe to be human life, is every bit as offensive to his/her sensibilities as would be confiscating money from a Jew to fund the death camps at Treblinka and Dachau.
But even on a practical level, Hatch still doesn't understand, or is just blatantly ignorant.
Embryonic stem cell research has and continues to hold less promise than does adult stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research has yet to be conducted on humans. Why? Well, the dirty little secret regarding embryonic stem cells, is that they are quite unstable. When injected into mice, they do NOT grow into liver cells, or brain cells or what have you. They grow tumors and tend to mutate.
Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are quite stable and show great promise in research.
There is nothing new nor shocking in what I have presented here. This information is out there for all to see. Embryonic stem cells are unstable and unreliable. Embryos, the beginnings of human life, must be killed in order to harvest them.
So why Mike Hatch's push for embryonic stem cell research, when adult stem cell research holds much more promise?
Can anyone say, abortion lobby?
Technorati tags: abortion, Mike Hatch, Pawlenty, stem cell research
(Filed under defense of life)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 10:26 AM |
Pot to Kettle: "Quit calling me black!"
Democrats are famous for their ability to turn anything, I mean anything--into something political. Despite their daily virulent attacks on our President and his policies, they run home to Momma and hide behind her skirt when an ounce of honest criticism comes their way.
Even when you're civil with them, they have an uncanny manner of turning it against you. Give them an inch, they'll take a light year. I present the following as an example (all emphases mine):
Bush's "new tone" has set the standard for much of his administration. Despite daily and even hourly smears against his character by the DNC, Bush has, for the overwhelming majority of his presidency, chosen the "high road." While I applaud Bush's civility in such matters, civility, in and of itself, does not confront what is clearly wrong. Sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade and confront wrong by calling it clearly what it is.DNC: Bush Renounces Smears, But Will Cheney, Rove and Mehlman Follow?
8/21/2006 3:39:00 PM
To: National Desk, Political Reporter
Contact: Stacie Paxton of the Democratic National Committee Staff, 202-863-8148
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by the Democratic National Committee:
During today's news conference, President Bush pledged not to attack the patriotism of his critics. This stunning reversal comes after years of work by the President and his top surrogates and strategists to smear anyone who disagrees with the President or challenges his policies."President Bush seems to have turned over a new leaf today with his claim that he will not attack the patriotism of those who disagree with him," said DNC Communications Director Karen Finney, "If the President is sincere, he should have his GOP hatchet men like Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman also stop attacking the patriotism of those who disagree with the Bush Administration's failed policies in Iraq and agree to provide the American people an honest debate based on the facts on the ground."
Bush never said that he would strive to quell the political free speech of others, did he? Did Bush have the right to quell the free speech of a "campaign surrogate"? And even more importantly, was Bush's surrogate correct in his assertions?President Bush: I will never question the patriotism of somebody who disagrees with me. (Press Conference, 8/21/06)
Bush Campaign Surrogate Scott O'Grady Charged Kerry With "Treason." Scott O'Grady, an Air Force pilot who survived being shot down over Bosnia in 1995, said that Kerry committed "treason" during the Vietnam War during an appearance coordinated by the Bush re-election campaign with other military veterans in St. Paul, Minnesota. (Associated Press, 8/14/04)
Bush Refused to Specifically Condemn Swift Boat Attack Ad. According to the New York Times, "Bush put his remarks about the advertisement by the Swift boat group in the context of his previous calls for a ban on advertisements from third-party groups known as 527's, using large, unlimited donations. Only when pressed by reporters whether he specifically meant the commercial from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, did he say 'all of them.' 'I don't think we ought to have 527's,' Mr. Bush said. His press secretary, Scott McClellan, said Mr. Bush had not intended to single out the Swift boat advertisement as one that should be stopped." The Times also stated that when asked "the first of several questions about the Swift boat advertisement, Mr. Bush ignored the query and instead responded, 'I think we ought to be debating who best to be leading this country in the war against terror. And that's what I'll continue to try to convince the American people of, is that I'm the right person to continue to lead the country.'" Bush "did not criticize the Swift boat group or address the content of the advertisement." (New York Times, 8/24/04)
I think so.
There is absolutely no way to retract what John Kerry said when he sold out his fellow soldiers who served in Viet Nam (in much the same manner as John Murtha sold out his fellow Marines this past May) :
"They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."Yes, John Kerry was a traitor to the vast majority of soldiers who served honorably and selflessly during the most thankless of American conflicts.
BUSH "ORDERED" ATTACKS ON TOM DASCHLEAnd your point is? Again, does the truth hurt, DNC? You are, after all, the party that blames America first! There is absolutely no hiding from that fact!Republican Party Chairman Marc Racicot Accused Daschle Of Blaming America. On March 17, 2003, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) pointed out that on the Iraq issue, President Bush "couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country." Republican National Committee Chairman Marc Racicot equated Daschle's criticism with criticism of our country. Racicot released a statement saying, "It is disheartening and shameful for Senator Daschle, who has previously advocated and authorized the use of force in Iraq, to now blame America first. I urge all Americans to reject such divisive and brazen political posturing." (Washington Times, 3/21/03; RNC News Release, 3/17/03)
And the "piece de resistence"...
And John Murtha did say that--Murtha cited a supposed poll that people in other countries think that the U.S. is more dangerous than Iran and North Korea. The thing about it is, Murtha has never recanted the wrong-headedness of the poll which he cited. He has never voiced one word of disagreement with the flawed and total wrongheadedness of the content of the poll's assertions.ROVE AND RNC ATTACKED PATRIOTISM OF VIETNAM VETERAN JACK MURTHA
Rove Said Murtha Advocates "Cutting and Running" Because of Iraq Criticism. In a speech to New Hampshire Republican officials here Monday night, the White House deputy chief of staff attacked Democrats who have criticized the U.S. war effort in Iraq, such as Sen. John F. Kerry and Rep. John P. Murtha (Pa.), who he said advocate "cutting and running." "They may be with you for the first shots," Rove said of such opponents. "But they're not going . . . to be with you for the tough battles." (Washington Post, 6/13/06)
RNC Attacked Vietnam Veteran Jack Murtha For Criticizing the Bush Administration on Iraq. The Republican National Committee launched a direct assault against Murtha on its Web site, featuring his "Democrat Cut-and-Run Tour of America" and a map of the United States flying little white flags. (Salon, 8/4/06)
RNC Said Jack Murtha Claims America Is More Dangerous Than Iran and North Korea. In a fundraising email from August 9, RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman wrote that: "The message from Connecticut is clear, and Ned Lamont isn't alone. He is joined by Rep. John Murtha. who claims America is more dangerous than Iran and North Korea." (RNC Email, 8/9/06)(Read the remainder of the article here)
I'm sorry, but the constant barrage of attacks regarding our nation's war efforts, not to mention the aid and comfort given our enemies, chronicled by Murtha, Kerry, Pelosi--you name it--is unprecedented.
Did you get that? They are actually banking on (and encouraging through their rhetoric) American defeat during a time of war to further their political ambitions!
Is that unpatriotic? You're damn right it is unpatriotic!
President Bush may continue to take the "high road" if he wants, but for myself I am going to continue to call a spade a spade.
The democrat party, including one Jack Murtha, is for anything that will put them back in positions of power. If they have to undermine our war effort and national security in order to do it, so be it.
That, my friends, not only begs one to question their patriotism, it screams it.
(Technorati tags: Bush, Murtha, Daschle, patriotism)
(Filed under Murtha Must Go!!, Iraq, the fifth column)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 10:20 AM |
Live blogging the Apocalypse...
7:45a.... okeedokee...
8:10am--Russian airliner carrying 154 passengers disappears from radar over the Ukraine...Shit!
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:52 AM |
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Day of Reckoning?
So far, so good... but again, it is still only August 21st.
Just so you don't run out of things to worry about...
(Filed under Religion of Peace?)
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 9:02 PM |
2008 will be here before you know it...
Me? I'm still keeping the powder dry.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:41 PM |
More bad news for Murtha...
Well, any good news out of Iraq is bad news for Jack Murtha, whose whole raison d'etre this past year has been based on banking on failure for our troops and their mission, by saying that the Iraqis don't want us there, the Armed forces are broken--we can't accomplish anything there anymore--you know the drill.
Sorry, Mr. Murtha. This won't help: (emphases mine)
Monday, 21 August 2006The fact that our soldiers are staying the course allows Iraqis to trust our soldiers more and more each day:BAGHDAD — Efforts this week to quell violence in the capital city are showing signs of progress, but Coalition leaders say the battle is far from over.Locals gather as Soldiers of the 445th Civil Affairs Battalion hand out food items in Baghdad recently. Department of Defense photo by Staff Sgt. Russell Klika.“Abating the extremists in the capital will neither be easy nor rapid,” Multi-National Force - Iraq spokesman Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV said this week of progress in the capital city. “Challenges will ensue, but efforts will march forward block by block.”
U.S. and Iraqi forces have been conducting combined missions in Baghdad as part of Operation Together Forward, an Iraqi-led campaign to reduce violence in the capital, while at the same time promoting economic incentives, civic action projects and the control of illegal weapons.This past week, Iraqi and Coalition forces concentrated on four major Baghdad hot spots – mostly in the western part of the city – in an effort to reduce the number of murders, kidnappings, assassinations and car bombs in those areas. Operations in the al-Doura neighborhood of southern Baghdad continued to build on the improved security established over the past two weeks.
The operations in western Baghdad are led by the Soldiers from the 6th Iraqi Army Division and policemen from the 2nd Iraqi National Police Division, supported by Soldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team and 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team.
Approximately 6,000 additional Iraqi Security Forces were sent to the Multi-National Division - Baghdad area of operations in support of Operation Together Forward, as well as approximately 3,500 Soldiers of 172nd SBCT, and 2,000 Soldiers from the 2nd BCT.
According to the Coalition commander responsible for operations in Baghdad, the concept essentially calls on Coalition and Iraqi forces to cordon off an area and search each street, house by house.
Maj. Gen. James Thurman, commander of Multi-National Division - Baghdad, this week said he is optimistic about what he has seen since operations to quell sectarian violence started.“Security in Baghdad is the top priority for everyone working in Operation Together Forward,” added Col. Robert Scurlock, commander of the 1st Armored Division’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team. “Iraqi security forces and Coalition forces are working side by side every day to increase security in Baghdad and help the Iraqi people return to a more normal domestic life.”
Operations in the capital city have not only been successful in the security arena, but also in terms of developing relationships between the Iraqi people and Iraqi security forces, added Col. Michael Beech, commander of 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division.
Caldwell added that the most significant developments are less easily measured.
“What really matters is the number of businesses that reopened and will remain open, the refurbished stalls … in the marketplace there,” said the general. “The drainage has improved. The rubbish is removed. And of course, like we’d all like to see, the number of children that you can see during their summer break out riding their bikes and playing in the streets.”
Caldwell said operations look beyond short-term security concerns. The mantra is “clear, hold, rebuild.” Iraqi and Coalition forces clear neighborhoods and hold them so terrorists cannot come back, and they invest in rebuilding essential services and stimulating economic growth.
“The military forces, the Iraqi security forces, the Coalition support can help set the stage for peace to occur, but they cannot achieve peace,” he said. “It’s going to take all the other factors. It’s going to take the economics; it’s going to take the governance; and, most importantly, it’s going to take the will of the Iraqi people to make this both work and sustain itself. But they’ve absolutely got the commitment.”
In Ameriya -- a key neighborhood in western Baghdad -- more than 50 percent of the shops in the market were re-opened after Iraqi and Coalition forces joined this week to squelch the violence in that neighborhood, Iraqi Army Brig. Gen. Abdul Jaleel said during a press conference Aug. 16.