Funny as a double slashing murder, OJ...
LOS ANGELES — In a scene from his new candid-camera program "Juiced," O.J. Simpson pulls a prank involving the infamous white Bronco, drawing criticism from the family of a man he was accused of killing.WTF is this bastard doing on TV? Why is this piece of filth still walking around free as a jaybird while two people he "86'd" are gone forever, and relatives are left with wounds that will never heal.
As part of the pay-per-view show, Simpson pretends to sell the Bronco at a used car lot and boasts to a prospective buyer that he made the vehicle famous, according to a segment aired Thursday on "Inside Edition."
"It was good for me — it helped me get away," Simpson said, referring to the slow-speed, televised police chase that preceded his 1994 arrest on charges of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman.
Simpson was acquitted of murder. A civil jury later held him liable for the deaths and ordered him to pay $33.5 million to the Brown and Goldman families.
Much of that judgment remains unpaid.
And he's got the cajones to pull this shit?
Hey Surly--here's some food for an upcoming "Bastard Report."
(Filed under societal decay)