Regarding the NSA "data mining"
Captain Ed notes that this is nothing new under the political sun; as this practice was made clear nearly a half-year ago without fanfare.
My take on it is that it's just another good ol' fashioned, drive-by, "Let's-throw-something-at-Bush-and-see-if-it-sticks!" fever swamp coniption fit.
I think that fellow-keybee Boring Made Dull had the best line yet:
If we can’t even muster the faint amount of will required to attempt to stop the terrorists by looking for patterns in phone records, we might as well take the next step and blow up our own buildings to save them the trouble. It would be a big timesaver for all concerned.This ain't no amateur golf game, where you need to give a handicap to an underdog.
I guess we should blow up our own buildings...Eugene Robinson is bringing the gasoline...
Absolute. Moronic. Imbeciles.
(Filed under War on Terror, the fifth column)