Sunday, May 21, 2006

Murtha Must Go!

If loose lips sink ships, John Murtha has, by now, sunk the entire seventh fleet.

The traitorous blowhard representative from Pennsylvania's 12th district no longer deserves to be called a Marine.

Like I had commented at Gary Gross' post at Let Freedom Ring,

In the tradition of Benedict Arnold, who, at one time served the U.S. admirably, John Murtha is a now nothing but a snivelling traitor.

He needs to be brought up on sedition charges.

My son is in Iraq right now, and this shit-for-brains retarded bastard has the cajones to say what he says??

These accusations cannot go unanswered.

Gary Gross, after reading this, contacted me to start up a blogswarm to get Murtha out of Congress.

Well, he didn't have to ask me twice.

I call on all of my fellow bloggers to get a movement going to get this bozo out of office for good, before his loose lips cost any more lives of our brave soldiers.

The man is a menace.


Because I'm sick and tired of this buffoon and can't take it anymore, I have created a new blog: Murtha Must Go!

I'm hoping to get a couple of like minded posters, and hopefully we'll get this traitorous buffoon out of office once and for all.


Gary Gross from Let Freedom Ring has joined Murtha Must Go!!

Thanks, Gary!

(Filed under the fifth colum, great blogs, Iraq, Murtha Must Go!)