Not a shock at all...
SHOCK: Galloway says murder of Blair would be 'justified'...
Not so shocking at all, if one merely considers the source. Galloway is just your run of the mill, fringe, jihad-loving, freedom-hating moonbat, pure and simple.
The Respect MP George Galloway has said it would be morally justified for a suicide bomber to murder Tony Blair.
In an interview with GQ magazine, the reporter asked him: "Would the assassination of, say, Tony Blair by a suicide bomber - if there were no other casualties - be justified as revenge for the war on Iraq?"
Mr Galloway replied: "Yes, it would be morally justified. I am not calling for it -(yeah, right) but if it happened it would be of a wholly different moral order to the events of 7/7. It would be entirely logical and explicable. And morally equivalent to ordering the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq - as Blair did."
Remember, this is the same shit-for-brains moonbat who said this:
And Drudge calls Galloway's justification for Prime Minister's Blair's murder a "shock"?George Galloway: A hundred thousand or more of the Iraqi patients have died. Sectarianism and extremism, fundamentalism, is now rampant in Iraq. The entire Muslim world has been radicalized. There are flames spreading throughout the Muslim world. They are even reverberating outside the Muslim world, in Europe, including in the capital city of London, where I sit.
Now even amongst the crazed Zionist Crusader fundamentalists who got us into this war, Richard Perle is an extremist. In fact, most of the neo-con Zionists who talked Bush into this war have now begun to admit that this has been a terrible catastrophic mistake. Unfortunately, it is not their blood, which has been shed. It has been the blood of entirely innocent people, whose lives have been destroyed.
So nobody serious, outside the lunatic asylum of Richard Perle's circle, any longer believes that the invasion of an Arab Muslim country by hundreds of thousands of Crusading soldiers has done anything to make the world a more peaceful place.
And that's why Bush, in November, will pay a very high political price, and Mr. Blair will be out within a few weeks. I assure you, anyone who studies the politics in London knows that Mr. Blair is in his last days in Downing Street. And when they come to write his obituary - the word Iraq will be engraved at its heart.

Matt, wake me up when you find something new.
(Filed under the fifth column)
****(Bumped for Update)****
Captain Ed Agrees:
The shock is not understandable. Galloway practically made a career of supporting brutal dictators, and he hasn't changed a bit. Galloway pimped for Saddam Hussein for years, and only recently have investigators at the UN and in the US shown that Saddam paid him well for those efforts. His appearance on state-run Cuban television took viewers by surprise when he launched into heavy praise for the island's dictator. He referred to Castro's political opponents as "monkeys", and put a coda on the moment by "[l]ooking approvingly into each others' eyes" before embracing Castro.