Stay that swatter!...

...Forget the prospects of any further development on the Hawaiian Islands. If you should have some investment property waiting to be developed, they're probably not worth the paper on which the deed is printed.HONOLULU (AP) -- Twelve species of rare flies known for their elaborate courtship displays and found only in the Hawaiian Islands are now protected under the Endangered Species Act.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the protected status for the highly valued picture-wing flies Tuesday.
The Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity sued the service in March 2005, accusing it of violating the Endangered Species Act. The center said the agency did not move ahead fast enough on listing the flies as endangered after a 2001 proposal for the flies' protected status was made.
"The Hawaiian picture-wings ... are one of our most important endemic invertebrates in Hawaii," said Brent Plater, a staff attorney in the center's San Francisco office.
No doubt, after all the legislation is passed that will "protect" these flies, a mating pair of flies will be found nesting in the sign of a Honolulu K-Mart.
(Filed under enviro-whackism)