The New Chauvanism--MN DFL protects a core constituency
House passes bill requiring picture ID for all voters by The Associated PressWhy the DFL's perpetual need to bring the electoral process down to the lowest common denominator? Why their need to keep the process as dumbed-down as possible? And why their concern over minorities being incapable of obtaining state photo identification? What harm can come out of the need for voters to fork over $15.50 (for a 5-year card), obtain and to show valid identification? Why would they oppose measures that would add further integrity to Minnesota's electoral process?ST. PAUL — A picture ID would be required to vote under a Republican-backed bill passed 71-62 by the Minnesota House Tuesday on a vote that largely followed party lines.
The bill sponsored by Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Delano, would require even preregistered voters to produce a photo ID at the polls.
House DFLers maintained that there is almost no proof of significant voter fraud in Minnesota and that the measure was an effort to reduce participation, particularly among the elderly, college-age voters and new citizens (read: illegal aliens) and minorities.
Could it be that the only thing that the Minnesota DFL is afraid of is the fact that such a measure would actually make it more difficult to perpetrate voter fraud?
And could it also be that, in their normal liberal condescension, they have no faith in people (especially minorities and other downtrodden folk) to actually be capable of obtaining such identification? Or even that they would be willing to get off of their lazy, fat arses to do so?
It used to be in the not-so-distant past that the word chauvanism was a pejorative term that was used to describe men who wanted to keep women barefoot, dumb, and pregnant; thus subjugating women to being dominated by their charges. But I believe that nowadays it can be used to describe the MN DFL party (and the DNC, for that matter) in their condescending attitude toward minorities, illegal aliens, and others whom they would deem as being a part of "disenfranchised" classes. These poor, downtrodden folk, in their minds, have no ability for self-advocacy; and they are much too dumb to actually do the research to find out how they can acquire proper identification.
And the DFL wouldn't have it any other way. For if it weren't for dumb, uninformed voters, they wouldn't stand a chance at the polls.
But to the DFL party minions, I say fear not, for the DFL has things well in hand
The bill isn't expected to get further, however, because there is no companion bill in the DFL-controlled Senate and House Minority Leader Matt Entenza, DFL-St. Paul, said the proposal won't be part of conference committee deliberations....So sleep well, illegal aliens, minorities, and DFL faithful. The DFL and its limousine liberal, leftist faithful will preserve your right to be fat, dumb, and lazy:

...and more importantly, preserve their ability to stuff ballot boxes in the process.
(Filed under elections, limousine liberals)