Monday, May 08, 2006

Nuclear fallout... can fall both ways...

From The Jerusalem Post:
'Iran can also be wiped off the map' Vice Premier Shimon Peres said Monday in an interview to Reuters that "the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map," Army Radio reported.

According to Peres, "Teheran is making a mockery of the international community's efforts to solve the crisis surrounding Iran's nuclear program."

"Iran presents a danger to the entire world, not just to us," Peres added.

Given Israel's track record of dishing back out whatever they take (and then some); and, given their track record of taking care of business before it even becomes a problem, this was not an idle statement. And unlike Iran, a nation which is reportedly close to developing their own nuke, Israel stands with theirs at the ready.

So, the question remains to Ahmadinejad:

" Do you feel lucky?.... Well do ya, punk?"

(Filed under Religion of peace?)