Tuesday, May 02, 2006

There is a better choice...

Andy over at Residual Forces endorsed Phil Krinke for the GOP nod for U.S. Congress 6th District.

While the election of Phil Krinke for Congress would in no way be a bad choice, I truly believe that there is a better one: Jay Esmay. As I commented over on Andy's blog:

I’m telling you folks–you’re missing out on Esmay.

We have another Mark Kennedy (probably even more-so on the conservative side) and you’re dismissing him because he’s not one of the party machine.

Esmay has the military experience (a consultant to the Joint Chiefs, special ops, etc.) (Can you say John Klein?) and the business experience (Can you say Mark Kennedy?).

Like Klein and Kennedy, who also ran without political experience, there is no past record to disparage. Esmay will not run defending his record, but will run on issues and issues alone, something that Patty Wetterling is totally ill-equipped to do.

The time is ripe, and Esmay is the guy.

I believe in all of my heart, soul and being, that out of a field of four fine candidates, Esmay will be the one to carry the Conservative standard into the elections in November.

(Filed under elections)