"In recent weeks, a startling realization has begun to take hold: if the elections were held today, top strategists of both parties say privately, the Republicans would probably lose the 15 seats they need to keep control of the House of Representatives and could come within a seat or two of losing the Senate as well. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who masterminded the 1994 elections that brought Republicans to power on promises of revolutionizing the way Washington is run, told TIME that his party has so bungled the job of governing that the best campaign slogan for Democrats today could be boiled down to just two words: 'Had enough?'"
- TIME -
Conservatives in Congress have an ATOMIC BOMB that could literally wipe out liberals in the 2006 elections.
But Republican Leaders and RINOs in Congress are STOPPING THEM FROM PUSHING THE BUTTON!
That's RIGHT -- "Republicans!"
Of course, I'm talking about the Contract with America: Renewed which was produced by Representatives Mike Pence and Jeb Hensarling of the Republican Study Committee.
If you haven't heard about the Contract with America: Renewed -- I'm not surprised. Liberals, the media and EVEN SOME REPUBLICAN LEADERS want to keep it under wraps!
Because the Contract with America: Renewed actually KEEPS the promises the Republican majority made to conservatives over a decade ago -- and advances our kind of bold conservative agenda!
Now, you would think that Republican Members of Congress would be running over each other to be among the first to sign on to a legislative agenda that harkens back to Newt Gingrich's original Contract with America of 1994 that gave Republicans control of Congress for the first time in over 40 years!
Sadly, Republican legislators are hiding under their desks -- quivering with fear!
And even though the Contract with America: Renewed has over 100 Congressmen behind it, Washington gossip indicates that Pence was outright TOLD that the Contract with America: Renewed would be marked DEAD ON ARRIVAL!
But if you join with me RIGHT NOW and take action -- WE CAN DECLARE CONSERVATIVE INDEPENDENCE TODAY!
The Contract with America: Renewed is a return to core conservative principles.
Here's some of what the Washington elites don't want you to know is contained in the Contract with America: Renewed:
"Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB, which receives $400 million annually from Congress, funds 15% of the Public Broadcasting Service’s annual budget... CPB and PBS continue to use federal funding to pay for questionable programming, such as a documentary on sex education promoted and partially paid for by the Playboy Foundation."
"Eliminate the National Endowment for the Humanities. The NEH funds humanities programs and initiatives through grants to various entities. As with the NEA, the general public benefits very little from NEA, and it could be funded through private donations."
"Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA funds art programs and initiatives through grants to various entities. In 2001, America spent $27 billion on non-profit arts funding: $11.5 billion from the private sector; $14 billion in earned income (tickets sales, etc.); and $1.3 billion in combined federal, state, and local public support (of which $105 million was from the NEA—0.4% of total non-profit arts funding). The [arts should] be funded completely through private donations, and the federal role eliminated."
In plain English that means YOUR tax dollars will no longer fund:
NEA funded obscene "art" that shows crucifixes suspended in urine or women smearing syrup on their naked bodies while shouting obscenities or actors dressed like priests sodomizing other men on-stage.
PBS funded smearing of Christianity, traditional values and the promotion of deviant sexual behavior.
NEH sponsorship of “history standards” that call for a politically correct rewriting of the past to promote a far-left agenda and indoctrinate our youth.
We have a chance to slaughter all three of these "sacred cows" in a single appropriations bill!
But That's Not All
The ELIMINATION of PBS, the NEA and the NEH is just a starting point. Here's some more of what is contained in the Contract with America: Renewed:
"Eliminate Title X Family Planning. Established in 1970, the program was created to distribute contraception to the poor to help curb the population... Despite approximately $5 billion spent on the Title X program since its inception, the U.S. population did rise to approximately 300 million people in 2005 (up from 203 million in 1970), and the catastrophic predictions made to justify this program have proven false. According to the General Accountability Office, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates spent $58.7 million federal Title X dollars in FY 2001..."
"Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) was established by the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974 to provide free legal assistance to the poor in civil, non-criminal matters... Instead of focusing on this core mission, the LSC has assisted lawyers and groups engaged in lobbying, advocacy of political causes, and litigation against the federal government."
"Open ANWR for Exploration. This budget assumes that a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska will be leased for oil and gas exploration, development, and production... Leasing could provide significant revenues to the Treasury, jobs to the U.S. economy, and a valuable domestic energy resource to offset the current transfer of U.S. wealth to other nations. This portion of the provision reflects gross receipts."
"Reduce Funding for U.N. Peacekeeping Operations. The United States is the largest financial contributor to the U.N. peacekeeping budget... U.N. peacekeepers have been involved in a litany of scandals. In 2002 and 2003, Human Rights Watch accused peacekeepers in Sierra Leone of systematically raping women. In 2005, peacekeeping staff ran up more than $500,000 in unpaid international calls. Currently, peacekeepers stand accused in the Democratic Republic of Congo of widespread sexual exploitation of refugees. According to recent press reports, waste is rampant: The UN paid $10.4 million to lease a helicopter in East Timor when it could have been secured for $1.6 million, $2.4 million to buy aircraft hangers in Congo that were never used, and roughly $193 million in fraudulent contracts (nearly 20 percent of the $1 billion in contracts that were examined). This proposal would reduce funding for U.N. peacekeeping operations by 50 percent."
"Eliminate Federal Subsidies for Amtrak. Amtrak’s model for providing intercity rail service has been a failure since it began service in 1971. Historically, it has carried less than 1% of the traveling public... This budget proposes to reduce and eventually end over 30 years of taxpayer subsidization of a failed government monopoly."
Thomas Jefferson once wrote: "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical."
Jefferson defined precisely what is wrong with government funding of Planned Parenthood, the Legal Services Corporation, and United Nations graft and corruption.
Passage of the Contract with America: Renewed would curtail federal involvement in these programs and begin to right some long-standing wrongs.
But the programs mentioned above ONLY SCRATCH THE SURFACE. There's plenty of "red meat" in the Contract with America: Renewed for folks like you and me -- space simply prohibits mentioning it ALL!
Hard to argue any of that. Also from the site:
We're Not The Only Ones Saying It!
At the press conference announcing the new Contract, Congressman John Shadegg -- who voted for the Contract in 1994 – warned the GOP against failing to support this measure:
“[V]irtually every Republican in Congress was elected on a promise to curb government growth and spending. It is time to keep that promise.”
What the Republicans have to realize is that if these promises are not kept -- they will become the minority party in Congress in 2006.
Conservative and patriotic Americans have given them over a decade to keep those long-forgotten promises and patience is wearing thin.
In fact, the latest Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll is already showing that ominous trend.
It reported that only 34 percent of respondents plan to vote for a Republican in the upcoming Congressional midterm elections.
It’s time to tell so-called Republican leaders in the House and Senate to stop acting like Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton and Barney Frank and start to keep the promises they made to conservatives.
It's time to tell them that YOU are demanding they support the Contract with America: Renewed.
Let's do it RIGHT NOW!
I suppose one could dream. The problem with this is that there are too many republicans who have run so far from the original
that it is no longer recognizable, and, unfortunately, a distant memory.
Until I received this email, I didn't know that there was such a proposal pending.
One thing is for sure. If the Republicans continue to forget just who it was that brought them to the dance, they just might find themselves stood up come election day.
There is a link set up for faxes to the President, the 55 Republican Senators, and the Republican House leadership
if you're so inclined.