So are they going to just "humor him"?

Steve McClellan, Adweek
MARCH 02, 2006 -
Former Vice President Al Gore launched his keynote address at the Four As media conference in Orlando Thursday morning by promising not to do a commercial or his new cable network, Current TV.
And he didn’t.
Instead, he urged the media industry to contribute air time to an upcoming public service campaign alerting consumers to the dangers of global warming. Gore spent most of his twenty minute presentation detailing the heavy toll that global warming is taking on the earth’s ecosystem.
Gore than asked the media industry to step up with a “dollar for dollar” matching contribution for that campaign. Gore said he was contributing the proceeds from a book and a documentary on the subject (both to be released later this year) to the coalition.
“The climate crisis is the most serious challenge our civilization has ever faced,” he said.
Heh... Ol algore, searching for relevance after having been dissed by his own party after election 2000, shamelessly evangelizing his faux agenda...This guy is nuttier than a Georgia Peanut Farm. Heck, even his own party dissed him in 1992:
The following are highlights from a 1992 Democratic National Committee (DNC) memo by Jonathan Sallet to the Clinton-Gore campaign that highlighted Gore vulnerabilities from his extremist manifesto Earth in the Balance. The memo was obtained by the Wall Street Journal, which published it in August of 1992. Among the DNC's findings:Heh. Next thing you know, ol' Algore is going to be wearing a black tablecloth and donning Nike tennis shoes, waiting for a comet to pass.
* "Al is a radical environmentalist who wants to change the very fabric of America."
* "He (Gore) criticizes America for being America -- a place where people enjoy the benefits of an advanced standard of living."
* "He (Gore) has no sense of proportion: He equates the failure to recycle aluminum cans with the Holocaust."
* "He (Gore) believes that our civilization, itself, is evil (because it is, in his words, 'addicted to the consumption of the earth.')"
Recently Gore was asked by Gannett News if his opinions have changed since writing Earth in the Balance. Gore said:
"There is not a single passage in that book that I disagree with or would change."
(Gannett News Service, 3/23/99)

(Filed under enviro-whackism, moonbat adventures)