"Higher" education?
Students at St. Cloud State University are expected to act out today in protest of the third anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war.How much you want to bet that the next story coming out of this will be some student whining that he got a failing grade on a scheduled exam because (s)he wasn't there to take it.Campus radio station KVSC-FM 88.1 is suspending regular programming for a daylong special broadcast called “Fight for Peace: A History of Peace and Protest Music — Its Impact on Society and Culture.”
The station will explore peace and protest songs of various artists and why they created them.
The music of artists such as Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, Le Tigre, Public Enemy, The Ramones and Spearhead will be played.
“We’re not going to get on the air and play a bunch of songs that bash (President) Bush,” said Jo McMullen-Boyer, KVSC-FM station manager.
The station will broadcast interviews with local soldiers sharing their thoughts about the conflict.
A student-led walkout and march around campus is scheduled for 11:10 a.m.
Campus groups CODE PINK, the Hmong Student Organization, People Uniting for Peace, the Social Work Association and the Women’s Center have organized the walkout and a presentation.
“We value the men and women that are serving; we feel that this is an illegal action being taken out by our government and the costs are too high,” said Breanna Swanberg, a junior and a member of People Uniting for Peace.
Organizers have been promoting the event for about a month by passing out toy soldiers with tags that read “bring me home now,” Swanberg said. (emphases added)
King has a great post of how instead of playing with toy soldiers and tanks, the folks up at University of Duluth are actually doing something constructive.
BTW, I wonder if those freewheeling, tolerant folk at SCSU Department of Social Work "smile upon" those with differing views on the war?
Academic freedom? My arse.
(Filed under the fifth column, moonbat adventures)