Monday, March 27, 2006

Another hat in the ring...

Barb Beniek throws her hat in the DFL run for Minnesota House District 14A:

March 20, 2006

Dear District 14A Delegate,

I am writing to introduce myself to you and to let you know that I am “throwing my hat in the ring” to run for the District 14A legislative house seat.

I am completing my 20th year as a school board member in the Sauk Rapids-Rice School District. During my tenure, our school district has grown to be one of the most outstanding in the State of MN. As a board member, I have advocated for the children and families in our area, successfully negotiated contracts with our employees, both the SRREA teachers’ union and SEIU Local 284 for our custodians, clerical and paraprofessional staff. In addition, I have served as the chair for the Benton Stearns Education District where we service 6 Central MN districts – Sartell, Holdingford, SRR, Kimball, Foley and Rocori. So, my advocacy for children and their families extends even beyond my local school district.

Along with this, I teach prospective teachers in the Elementary Education program at St. Cloud State University. This is my 11th year at SCSU. Besides teaching on campus, I supervise preservice teachers as they do their student teaching in area schools. Therefore, I have the opportunities to not only deal with policies and budgets, but I see the impact of decisions in the classroom for students and their families.

My past life experiences also give me a rich insight into the needs of families and our local communities. My husband Geno and I were fortunate enough to work it out so that I could stay home while our three daughters were growing up. In the early years of my daughters’ lives, I worked with Le Leche league and met with/counseled young mothers with their babies. I did this for 8 years. I also served for four years on the St Cloud YMCA Board of Directors. In addition, I was a Girl Scout Leader for 5 years at Rice Elementary School. We have lived in Watab Township since 1976 – so even though I was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. I consider MN my home. My husband was born in Brockway Township, part of district 14A.

I love working for the community in many ways – as you can see. Now it is time for me to take on a new role – as a legislative House Representative for our community. Along with education as my major issue, I am deeply concerned about the decimation of the funds of childcare, accessibility to affordable health care for families, well-paying jobs in this area, better veterans’ benefits and transportation. Art Rolnick, of the MN Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, has done extensive research on the best investment the State can make and he concluded that it is investment in our children. The funding for our schools is lower today than it was in 1990 (adjusting for inflation). We are one of 18 states who do not fund all-day every-day kindergarten. Our childcare funding has been cut and affordable health care is in a crisis. What are we funding and where are our priorities?

I would like to join the legislature and help get our state priorities in order. I cannot do this alone, but I know that I have much talent, energy and experience to bring to this effort. I need your support all along the way. I need to know what you are thinking about our needs. I need your help in endorsing me and then helping me get out into the community and listen to what folks are talking about.

I look forward to meeting you all at our Endorsing Convention on Sat., April 8, 2006.


Barbara Beniek