Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another egregious example by the dems..of politics before national security..

There is no valley or swamp too low through which the dems will traverse in order to scrounge a vote...

Regarding his idiotic proposal to censure President Bush for his monitoring of incoming Al Qaeda communications to the U.S., from here:

Feingold said his sole purpose was to hold Bush accountable, but he argued that it's also good politics. (correction--the "sole purpose" Feingold is doing this is to give him the 15 minutes of fame that he was sorely lacking to mount a presidential bid! Even if it means compromising national security in the process.)

"These Democratic pundits are all scared of the Republican base getting energized, but they're willing to pay the price of not energizing the Democratic base," (Feingold) said. "It's an overly defensive and meek approach to politics."

As El Rushbo has stated, Feingold threw a bomb down the aisle and everyone scattered, including most of his democrat brethren. But not because it was a bad idea for the nation:
Some Democrats have accused Feingold of putting his 2008 presidential ambitions over helping Democrats try to recapture the House and Senate in this year's midterm elections. Should Feingold run, his opposition to the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and the spying program would help position him as the liberal candidate.
Note, it wasn't because such a move by Feingold, if brought to fruition (and actually by being brought up at all) would serve to embolden our enemies or to compromise our national security. Nope.. the dems are just afraid of the political repurcussions. So the party of contrivance continues to live up to that moniker. To them, it's all about re-capturing the House and Senate. Anything about what is good for the nation plays a second, perhaps third distant fiddle, at best. To them, the term "national security" is a hollow, meaningless incantation, muttered only for the express purpose of achieving the end of absolute political power, with no real accompanying intention of do anything substantive about it should that unfortunate circumstance actually occur.

(Filed under the fifth column)