The day of reckoning.. is at hand...

As I have stated before, what we are seeing here is the beginning of what could amount to be another civil war in the United States; but instead of battling citizen against citizen, it will be a fight of citizen against non-citizen.
I remember hearing Barry Farber over 10 years ago warning his listeners regarding the aims of La Raza... specifically, "RECONQUISTA", the re-taking of the southwestern United States and annexing it to Mexico.
Signs of this are now legion, not only with the mass demonstrations in American cities, but out and out blatant examples like this:
Mexican flag flies over Chasewood North in Jupiter . . . at least for now
March 29, 2006
The Stars and Stripes have been replaced by the Mexican flag at Chasewood North, and residents of the condominium community off Central Boulevard are puzzled as to who made the switch.
"I woke up Sunday morning and looked up from my patio and then realized that the American flag wasn't on the flagpole," said Sue Miller a Chasewood North board member. "What captured my attention were the colors — at first I thought it was an Italian flag, but one of our residents said it was the Mexican flag.
"I went to the flagpole, to see if the American flag was maybe on the ground, but they took it, and they cut the rope to get the American flag down and the Mexican flag up as well."
A best estimate of when the switch took place is Saturday night. Chasewood South, which also has a flagpole at its entrance was untouched; its American flag was still flying from its 20-foot flagpole.
At the present time, Congress is in the midst of a debate about immigration, seeking to radically change the immigration laws, perhaps by allowing the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the country to have a path to citizenship. But Miller said she can't figure out why this national debate would result in the American flag being stolen and replaced by a Mexican flag in Chasewood North.
"I'm flabbergasted that someone would do this, and I'm wondering why here," Miller said. "We have some Hispanic residents here, but not a large Hispanic population, and I'm curious if this occurred anywhere else in town."
It may be several weeks before the Stars and Stripes once again fly over Chasewood North, according to Miller, who at one time was the resident manager of the complex.
"We tried to get the flag down but couldn't, so we need to hire a company with a boom truck to get up there and replace the rope and put up the American flag," she said. "I would guesstimate that this would cost $500 or more to do."

Make no mistake about it. This is not going away. This will eventually either turn into a civil war over immigration laws, or weak-kneed politicians will capitulate, and in effect cede the southwest and rename it Mexifornia.
Either way, this ain't gonna be pretty.
As I suspected, just in case you think that this was just some ad-hoc show of sentiment by a bunch of high schoolers, think again.
Andres Jiminez, director of the University of California's California Policy Research Center, told the media, “It's not only Latinos who are marching in the streets, its unions too: firefighters, farm workers and Hispanic students who had thought of U.S. law as protecting them and are now starting to see it as a threat to their future.”
He was right about this much: Latino organizations did not act alone. The media has failed to report that organized labor directed the illegals and minors. The L.A. Times revealed the rally’s “security” was handled by a union identified only as “Local 1877.” That would be local 1877 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the far-Left union founded by New Left radical Andrew Stern, which called for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq in June 2004 and worked in concert with Ted Kennedy to roll back anti-terrorist Homeland Security measures. According to the L.A. Times, the SEIU’s goons kindly helped “herd marchers along the route.” That was not the extent of SEIU’s help, though. The union also “coordinated the more than 100 buses that dropped off marchers from throughout California, Las Vegas and a few Southwestern cities.”
In other words, the massive rally against Homeland Security – since that is what gaining control of America’s borders would promote – was staged by a leftist labor union and staffed primarily with illegal immigrants.
SEIU did not work alone in this. It was aided by other radical or left-wing political pressure groups, including:
· Southern California Human Rights Network (SCHRN), whose members are apparently affiliated with the International Socialist Organization. SCHRN drafted a resolution in Orange County declaring, “We believe that no human is illegal and oppose the criminalization, dehumanization, and exploitation of migrants, immigrants and or economic and political refugees, by means of media, legislation, ideology, rhetoric, etc. [This] includes augmenting border patrol units, commissioning other law enforcement agencies to work in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and [includes] such policies as the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and other policies that exploit the indigenous, peasantry, and environments of countries abroad.” In other words, capitalism and any form of immigration laws are exploitative.
Read the whole article. Rarely does the left do anything spontaneously.
(Filed under the fifth column, reconquista)