Another defeat for the defeatists...
BAGHDAD, Iraq — An armed group that says it was created with government backing to drive Al Qaeda fighters out of a restive Iraqi province claimed Monday that it had killed five top members of the terrorist group.On my way to work, I heard a CNN radio news broadcast, in which they actually had the cajones to claim that Americans were "tired" of hearing President Bush say that things are going well, when all they heard on news broadcasts was bad news.The claim came in a statement posted on an Islamic Web site and attributed to the Anbar Revenge Brigade, recently formed by tribal leaders of the western Anbar province.
"Your brothers, heroes of the Revenge Brigade, carried out the killing of five important elements of Al Qaeda group, avenging the death of the sons of our Ramadi city," the statement said.
It listed the names of four alleged Al Qaeda leaders. The fifth man, it said, was from Ansar al-Sunnah, a terrorist group affiliated with Al Qaeda.
Well DUHHHHHhhhh!!
What else could one expect when a large segment of the population, who take no effort to delve into news but rely primarily on CNN and most of the other "alphabets" as their main source, have nothing but "bad news" with which to match the U.S. and coalition efforts in Iraq?
(Filed under Iraq, the fifth column, war on terror)