Shockin' and Awin'..

Coalition forces launched the largest air assault in Iraq since U.S. forces invaded that country in 2003, the U.S. military confirmed Thursday.The assault was launched in the southern Salah Ad Din province to clear a suspected insurgent operating area southeast of Samarra.
The operation, which began Thursday morning, is expected to continue for several days ahead of the Shiite Muslim holiday.
Coalition forces have dubbed the assault "Operation Swarmer," which is an operation consisting of about 1,500 soldiers in all, including the Iraqi Army's 1st Brigade, 4th Division, the 101st Airborne Division's 3rd Brigade Combat Team and the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade.
The assault is a combination of air and ground operations involving more than 200 tactical vehicles and more than 50 aircraft also participated in the operation.
According to the Coalition Press Information Center, initial reports indicate that a number of enemy weapons caches have been captured, containing artillery shells, explosives, IED-making materials, and military uniforms. Troops also captured several people, according to CPIC.
So much for the quagmire moniker. Time to kick some terrorist ass. All at a time when the moonbats are screaming that we need to turn tail and run.
I love it!!!
(Filed under Iraq, Heroes)