Anti-War protests fizzle..
By the time the war protesters began their march Saturday morning in Salt Lake City, only about 50 people had gathered. Their numbers had swelled to about 200 by noon - and that was with a little high-tech help from a marcher who text-messaged friends to join him.
The early low turnout was discouraging to some...
Driving around Chicago I can attest to the above. I drove near Circle Campus at the University of Chicago where there were a whopping 35 or so moonbats assembled with signs. Curiously, there were also TV cameras there, too, along with ten or so of Chicago's finest. It would have been interesting to see how the news stations covered the event on the late evening news, but I didn't get the chance to catch it.
And in yet more moonbat news...with regard to tragedy pimp mother Sheehan:
She's averaging just two days per month here. The next morning she will fly off again, the surreal star of what is -- depending largely on one's political perspective -- either an epic tragedy or a farce. After stops for protests in New Orleans and Washington, D.C., she will breakfast in Manhattan with actress Susan Sarandon, who is set to portray her in a biopic movie. A crew will film Sheehan for a weekly reality series on the Sundance Channel. Her letters to President Bush inspired "Peace Mom," a one-woman monologue show in London. A memoir is due to her publisher April 1.Sorry...If that's gonna happen, Sarandon's gonna have to gain 50 pounds and get a face transplant.

(Filed under moonbat adventures, )