In another encouraging sign..
If this should continue it will most likely force a showdown in the Supreme Court with regard to making the "right" to abortion a "state's rights" issue. I look forward to this long-overdue confrontation.
Barbour says he'd likely sign bill to ban most abortions in Miss.
Associated Press
JACKSON, Miss. - Republican Gov. Haley Barbour said Wednesday that he likely would sign a bill to ban most abortions in Mississippi if it's approved by lawmakers.
The state already has some of the strictest abortion laws in the nation. The bill that passed the House Public Health Committee on Tuesday would allow abortion only to save the pregnant woman's life. It would make no exception in cases of rape or incest.
South Dakota lawmakers passed a similar bill last week that was intended to provoke a court showdown over the legality of abortion.
(Filed under defense of life)