Freedom of Speech belongs to All..
From here:
Dean Trying to 'Muzzle' Churches, Group Says
By Monisha Bansal Staff Writer
April 21, 2006
( - Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean's recent comments calling on groups in the religious community "to decide whether they want to be tax exempt or involved in politics" drew the ire of a Catholic-based advocacy group on Friday.
Dean's remarks were made during an interview with the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday.
"Howard Dean's statement makes it clear that he wants to muzzle America's churches and religious groups from professing what they believe on important issues facing our society," said Joseph Cella, president of Fidelis, a Catholic-based advocacy organization.
"When it comes to debates over public policy and issues, Dean should be welcoming the voice of America's churches, not attempting to silence them," said Cella.
"Instead, Dean has shown utter disregard for people of faith by threatening the historical and treasured role of religious groups and churches in American public life," Cella continued.
But Dean, who did not speak publicly about his religious views until his presidential bid in 2004, has apparently used religion to his political advantage several times since then.
During his campaign, Dean sold "Dean for America" signs, touting they are "perfect for church."
Read the rest here.
Quick question, Mr. Scream... have you given the same message to the Reverend Jesse Jackson or the Reverend Al Sharpton? When was the last time they paid taxes?
(Filed under moonbat adventures, secular taliban)