Wednesday, April 26, 2006

In a world o' hurt...

From Drudge:
Wed Apr 26 2006 11:39:51 ET

Left-leaning new media has hit turbulence at the marketplace, newly released stats show.

A book hyped by major media as documenting a progressive revolution of "blogs" and political power, DAILY KOS 'CRASHING THE GATE,' has sold only 3,630 copies since its release last month, according to NIELSEN's BOOKSCAN.

[NIELSEN claims only 2,062 copies of DAILY KOS have been purchased at the retail level; the rest coming through 'discount' outlets. The NIELSEN figures do include online sales from AMAZON.COM, and others.]
This is surprising, given this information from a recent KOS Sitemeter report:

Average Per Day475,679

Average Visit Length0:03

Last Hour21,943


This Week3,329,756
You'd think that with nearly a half million visitors per day, ol Kos could hawk more than three thousand books. Especially when your book is red meat for moonbats... Nothing against how Kos runs a blog, mind you. If you get a half a million hits a day, you gotta be doing something right.

It would appear, however, that there are other sectors of the fever swamp that are fairing about as well as Kos' book:
Meanwhile, the just released radio Winter Book [Jan-Mar 2006] from ARBITRON shows AIR AMERICA in New York City losing more than a third of its audience -- in the past year!

Among all listeners 12+, it was a race to the bottom for AIR AMERICA and WLIB as mid-days went from a 1.6 share during winter 2005 to a 1.0 share winter 2006.

During PM drive, host Randi Rhodes plunged to 27,900 listeners every quarter hour, finishing 25th place in her time slot, down from 60,900 listeners every quarter hour in the fall.
But the "Airhead America" folks explain:
A network source says the radio ratings released today do not reflect the overall growth of the broadcast.

"The demos are better, and listeners trust AIR AMERICA to give them the real truth on issues and the Bush presidency," says the insider.
An insider, eh? Must be wayyyy on the inside, underneath a rock, which is emblematic of the manner in which their ratings are dropping.

(Filed under moonbat adventures)