Thursday, April 20, 2006

Man, does this hit it spot on or what?

Eco-terrorists and the like have always put their environmental policies (with its accompanying socialist/communist agenda) ahead of the cause of human poverty and suffering, acting like the mere presence of humanity is an abomination to their god, mother earth, and that earth would be better off without man there to destroy it.

But such an agenda, if it were better known, would destroy any chance of advancing it, even incrementally.

Increasingly, as a means to gain cred in the mainstream, the enviornmentalists have begun to indoctrinate reach out to willing religious dupes brethren so as to be able to couch their socialist/communist policies as being compatible with religion; suggesting that their environmental policies are keeping with religious thought that we should be good stewards of the earth that God has given us.

Well, these folks have hit that notion out of the park:
( - With Earth Day approaching on Saturday, a coalition of religious leaders and policy experts held a news briefing on Capitol Hill Wednesday to promote the use of "right reason" when dealing with climate issues and to accuse global warming alarmists of promoting a "circle of death" around the world.

"Pulpits, Pews and Environmental Policy" was the title of the event, which was hosted by the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance (ISA), a group described on its website as "committed to bringing a proper and balanced Biblical view of stewardship to the critical issues of environment and development."

"Anyone who's seen [the Walt Disney animated film] 'The Lion King' knows there's a circle of life," which in the real world includes "access to electricity, disease prevention, clean water and nutrition," said Paul Driessen, senior policy advisor for the College of Racial Equality.

"But just as there's a circle of life, there's also a circle of death. It connects policies that perpetuate poverty, disease, malnutrition and early death," noted Driessen, who is also the author of the book, "Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death."

Two ways global warming activists promote this "circle of death" are "by denying people access to life-saving technologies" and "by trying to protect people in wealthy countries from distant, conjectural risks while prolonging or increasing the very real and immediate risks to poor people in poor countries," Driessen said.

Driessen added that climate-change alarmists are also "twisting common definitions of ethics, morality, social responsibility and compassion for the poor in a way that justifies global warming policies and agendas but really harms the poor."

"For instance, 'TIME Magazine,' astronomer James Hansen -- who's not an atmospheric scientist -- and such self-styled instant climate experts as Julia Roberts and George Clooney worry that the world's poor might be harmed by rising seas, disease, storms, floods and malnutrition allegedly caused by global warming," Driessen said.
..."Moreover, it's often the very policies they promote that actually represent the greatest threats to the world's poor," Driessen added.
Perhaps the best part of this whole story:
"I'd be less dismissive of their views if they (enviornmentalists) were willing to live without electricity or sanitation, drink the locals' contaminated water, breathe polluted smoke day in and out 24/7 from their wood and dung fires, endure swarms of diseased mosquitoes and swelter happily under bed nets when the temperature in the hut is 95 degrees in the middle of the night and the temperature under the mosquito net is 105," Driessen said.

"And do it all with no bug sprays, no pesticides or malaria pills," he added. "And be prepared to walk 20 miles to the nearest clinic when they or their child inevitably come down with malaria.

"So far, none of them have volunteered to do so," Driessen said, even though he and his colleagues would be willing to put them up for free "in the finest mud huts in the village."
And so it shall remain, I would suspect. 

(Filed under
enviro-whackism, limousine liberals)